Barefoot Run #1
I woke when Ben got up. Being in bed but not sleeping just isn't my thing. I tried to fall asleep and my mind wandered. Several times I thought of exercising. I could get up and read the Bible (exercise my soul).. I could start up the 20 Chin Ups challenge again (I can do 1 now).. I could clean the school room -it desperately needs it! I could run. Finally, I just got up.
Ben was gathering his things. "Is it too late to go for a run before work?" of course, he's already showered and is about to head out. I sat a few more minutes listening to the rain before finally deciding. The sitter would be up soon, it'll work out fine. I pulled on a couple layers, kept my feet warmish, loaded up the C25K app with memory work (Psalm 91), and let the sitter know I'd be out for a bit. The rain let up.
The Couch to 5K starts with a warmup walk, then alternates runs and walks, ending with a cool down walk. Day 1 is 9 runs, I made it through 6 before my left calf tightened. I walked back, happy with my progress! After a shower, I checked my feet and they look great.
Oh yeah, I'm running barefoot. When I tried running in shoes, the flat soles kept my feet from bending naturally and my shins would hurt -like stabbing pains with each step. In my VFFs or barefoot, my feet warm up along with the rest of me (they're a little cooler in the rain, but after the first or second run, they're warm enough) and give me feedback on my form. I concentrated on picking up my feet (shorter stride, more steps per minute) and I was amazed I was able to run that much. Now I just need to strengthen my calves!
Does running in the morning make the difference? Last time, my calf hurt after the first or second run. Either way, I'm excited that I may actually be able to run. :)
Ben was gathering his things. "Is it too late to go for a run before work?" of course, he's already showered and is about to head out. I sat a few more minutes listening to the rain before finally deciding. The sitter would be up soon, it'll work out fine. I pulled on a couple layers, kept my feet warmish, loaded up the C25K app with memory work (Psalm 91), and let the sitter know I'd be out for a bit. The rain let up.
The Couch to 5K starts with a warmup walk, then alternates runs and walks, ending with a cool down walk. Day 1 is 9 runs, I made it through 6 before my left calf tightened. I walked back, happy with my progress! After a shower, I checked my feet and they look great.
Oh yeah, I'm running barefoot. When I tried running in shoes, the flat soles kept my feet from bending naturally and my shins would hurt -like stabbing pains with each step. In my VFFs or barefoot, my feet warm up along with the rest of me (they're a little cooler in the rain, but after the first or second run, they're warm enough) and give me feedback on my form. I concentrated on picking up my feet (shorter stride, more steps per minute) and I was amazed I was able to run that much. Now I just need to strengthen my calves!
Does running in the morning make the difference? Last time, my calf hurt after the first or second run. Either way, I'm excited that I may actually be able to run. :)

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