Full of Stitches

Friday, July 21, 2006

Sock PRN..


No middles, just ends! My Toe-Up Jaywalkers are coming along great! Much better with the larger needle. I'm getting 13 rows to the inch, so.. the gusset says to increase 2 every other row from 70 to 108, that's 38 rows; the heel turn decreases from 38 to 10 1 st/row so that's 28 rows.. 28+38=66 66/13=~5.. Do I need to stop knitting 5" before the end of the heel? My foot is 9+ inches, so I don't think so.. I must be putting too much into this. According to this chart, my 7.5-8 sized foot should be ~9.75".. But, in the pattern, Natalia states that she wears a 7.5 shoe (her feet are probably just smaller than mine) and knits to 4.5-5". So, am I just over measuring/estimating? Because this is where I got stumped the last time. It seemed that if I knit to 5" they were too short, but going to 5 1/2" made them way too long! I'm so confused! I guess I'll knit to 5", then on one sock make the gusset and turn the heel... If it still likes me at that point, I'll do the same on the other sock, if not I'll rip and try a longer foot on the other sock whilst I let that yarn rest.

The other socks are Embossed Leaves from IK in LL Cedar and Fiber Trends' Walking Away Socks in that horrible stretched out blue yarn. The EL socks are so quick! After enduring 18 rows of ribbing, the pattern seems to fly by! I got 2 repeats done this morning. The scary blue yarn actually feels nice when knit. I'm still wondering how much shrinkage they'll do when washed, but I'm liking the pattern and am certain I'll find someone's feet that'll fit them.

On a funnier note today, I lost a child today. I know, I know, how does one lose a child when at home? Well, she's usually quite active, so the jet trails lead me to her. The first time through, I more glanced into rooms. Then I started looking. She was easy to find, though:

Sleep BB1 Sleep BB2

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