Countdown, Practicing?
It's Tuesday night, or rather Wednesday morning. Are you ready? Have you been practicing your lightning fast needles? Are you geared up and on gauge for SockWars??
It's good to hear someone is!
Me? I've been learning new things that haven't much, if anything, to do with SockWars. Yesterday (Mon), I started a new sock! Today, I finished it and began it's mate. You wanna see? It's so cute! I'll give you a peek:

This is the first Samplers pattern on page 92 of Ethnic Socks & Stockings by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts (I'll post the link when I have more time - if you don't have this book, borrow or buy it!). I learned how to do intarsia in the round.. More later on that..
I wanted to use black for the background, but the black available was too thin. I used size 1 needles, it's a 44 stitch sock and it fits loose (in length) on BB (2yo), but I think I held the yarn tighter than usual and added more rows than I thought necessary. When the second is finished, they'll make cute booty-slippers for her for the 'winter' months. The first is on her foot, much to her chagrine (she hates it when I put new socks on her feet, I'm not sure why yet). AJ loves the look, so I may go on to make her a pair.
For now, I must go get some sleep!
It's good to hear someone is!
Me? I've been learning new things that haven't much, if anything, to do with SockWars. Yesterday (Mon), I started a new sock! Today, I finished it and began it's mate. You wanna see? It's so cute! I'll give you a peek:

This is the first Samplers pattern on page 92 of Ethnic Socks & Stockings by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts (I'll post the link when I have more time - if you don't have this book, borrow or buy it!). I learned how to do intarsia in the round.. More later on that..
I wanted to use black for the background, but the black available was too thin. I used size 1 needles, it's a 44 stitch sock and it fits loose (in length) on BB (2yo), but I think I held the yarn tighter than usual and added more rows than I thought necessary. When the second is finished, they'll make cute booty-slippers for her for the 'winter' months. The first is on her foot, much to her chagrine (she hates it when I put new socks on her feet, I'm not sure why yet). AJ loves the look, so I may go on to make her a pair.
For now, I must go get some sleep!
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