More SWoD & A Concert
I was working on making AuntGerry's socks when my dear husband IM'd and asked if I wanted to go to a concert. I asked who was playing, Beck he replied. Isn't that a beer, I asked.
(Gerry's socks earlier - better light)
So, I packed the children in the van and headed to his work. I stopped by Chipotle, grabbed some dinner, and brought that with. They had a stage set up in the midst of the main campus.
(Ben'll appreciate the signage -though I can't read it at this size: "Yahoo Hack Day")
We ate in the break room in building A, then went upstairs for something at Ben's desk. He wandered out on the bridge between buildings for a view and we ended up staying there for the concert. There were only a couple others there, mostly for pictures. The children had free run of the bridge and were dancing and running around.

They had these puppets of the band and their own stage in the middle (see men in black) The screen mainly showed the puppets, though they did run around with "Puppet Cam" on and show the band and audience a couple times. Whatever the band was doing, the puppets were immitating.

So, I packed the children in the van and headed to his work. I stopped by Chipotle, grabbed some dinner, and brought that with. They had a stage set up in the midst of the main campus.

We ate in the break room in building A, then went upstairs for something at Ben's desk. He wandered out on the bridge between buildings for a view and we ended up staying there for the concert. There were only a couple others there, mostly for pictures. The children had free run of the bridge and were dancing and running around.

They had these puppets of the band and their own stage in the middle (see men in black) The screen mainly showed the puppets, though they did run around with "Puppet Cam" on and show the band and audience a couple times. Whatever the band was doing, the puppets were immitating.
I love the little flecks of color. They are really nice. This is so exciting, as I have never received any thing hand knit before from some other knitter. My daughter lives in Texas and has never been artsy crafty like me so she has never wanted to knit. So I have never been able to play with fun stuf like that. I see you have little girls so someday you will maybe have a knitter to play with. I get all my fun time with my knitting friends. I belong to a knitting group and we knit all the time, shop some and eat a LOT.
Thanks again,
auntgerry, at 11:06 PM
To answer your question about posting on the Mystery Sock blog, what email did you send me when you signed up for the KAL? With that I can see if you recieved a Blogger invitation or not (you should have, but sometimes they get eaten by spam blockers). Then you should just be able to long on to and in your Dashboard area you will see a link to the Mystery Sock page and a "plus" symbol you can click on to add a post.
*Your Socks of Doom look great, btw! :)
--Amanda (Mystery Sock KAL co-host)
Amanda, at 10:24 AM
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