Full of Stitches

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Something Green

I know I'm a day late, but here's my green:

My wonderful husband splurged by getting me two citrus trees! The close one is a Valencia orange tree, the further one (at the edge of the hedge) is a 'Eureka' lemon tree. I've been wanting fruiting trees since we bought a house in 2004, even half-heartedly tried from itty bitty dormant ones, but they got run over by a lawn mower. Then we moved. I showed him the flyer for the local nursery and he agreed to head over there to look at the mini-citrus that are on sale. We wandered the nursery and, as we were looking at the minis, he noticed that the standard sized trees had fruit on them already. That did it! With all the moving we've been doing (once a year since we married until now) he didn't want to have to wait more than a year for the first crop.

Ben has also been working on the aesthetics of my garden area. We chose the Scotch Moss for the color and he planted that as a ground cover. We got some sort of a runner-weed under the garden area and hope that a good ground cover will eventually choke it out of there.

"Watch this space." Haha.. I was going to plant the sunflowers and smaller veggies over here, but the man had fun with the flower seeds. I can hardly wait to see what it blooms as! I think I'll go and stick my sunflower seeds in there anyway, I was going to put them by the windows to help reduce the summer heat (we don't have A/C).



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