Full of Stitches

Monday, July 05, 2010

Momma Turtle

On a trip to Shoreline Lake, I had started the Mommy Turtle from Amigurumi Two. I made the shell top and bottom, a half shell, and started the head when I discovered I didn't have the right size eyes. I stopped by D&J, but they were out of 9 mm. The turtle was set aside and promptly forgotten.

After finishing the teapot, I started a doll and ran across the turtle again. I asked Ben to stop by D&J while I was hosting Study Group. He was able to get one package of the eyes. I'm beginning to wonder if they just don't stock them much or if they sell them online more so they end up with none in the store.

Anyway, the doll got its eyes in and one the head and body were together was set aside. The turtle not only has the eyes, it's done. I made up one of the whole eggs and have the shells for the baby turtles, but I may run out of the green.. Maybe I'll have one be tan. (:

What's the first thing the girls do when they see the turtle? Check the opening for eggs!

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