Full of Stitches

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grow in Spurts

New moms never get the whole story.

If the midwife or doctor is good, s/he may explain the day 10 dropoff. After baby's born, mom makes colostrum exclusively. About day 3-5, the milk comes in (note: the more frequently baby nurses, the less severe engorgement). Mom seems over full at this point, milk practically spewing out her.. ears.

Come day 10 and suddenly baby is wanting to nurse like crazy. What does it mean? Many women think they've gone dry (not likely), or can't produce enough for the baby! In reality, baby's having the first growth spurt. Baby nurses more to encourage Mommy to make more milk.

When I lived in the UK, they called this phenomenon "Marathon Nursing" and I was told to expect it every 3-6 weeks. For my babies, it seems there a big marathon session every 6 weeks, and a littler one halfway (3weeks).

What they didn't mention was that the baby, during this time, becomes almost zomby-like and will continue nursing until it feels like s/he may be drinking your life essence through your chest..

What they do say (to remedy that) is to be sure to have a snack and drink at hand. Making food for another person is hard work, and very taxing. Enjoy the reward of a healthy little!

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