Full of Stitches

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Visit

Ben's mom came to visit last week. :)
And I managed to not get a single picture on my phone! :(
(that's bad because I blog from my phone)

We all had a nice visit (I think she did, too). She arrived Saturday evening, and it was a busy week! There were orthodontist appointments, music classes, and I went to recertify for NRP (neonatal resuscitation program).

There was a lot of fabric craft, too. Barb and I talked about making Easter dresses. We bought fabric. But, I was so busy that I didn't get the bodices cut out (that was my part of the cutting!). She decided to take them and make them as a gift for the girls.


The girls picked doll clothes patterns and have been sewing as well. Grandma and MissA made pajama pants for her doll, Chloe (the doll I finally sewed up from the pattern I'd made by tracing a doll a few years ago). MissB made a dress without a pattern for her doll, Bea the Rockstar. She picked the fabric for pants, and also made an apron that's too small, but looks really cute.


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