Full of Stitches

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Bralette Month

 We’re cozying down into the cold months way up north. Let’s get comfy!

Our assignment in the Mentorship is Bralettes. First, try a pattern that has the most support elements already in it, add the missing ones, then alter it to fit! Easy peasy! 😅

We moved on to actually drafting it from measurements. Drafting a bra is not too difficult. Drafting a bra that fits is challenging. I think I’ve mentioned that I have difficulty with buying or making bras that fit. Well, I found out a big reason is the band!

In high school, my now husband was in the marching band. He also played in a smaller band that would be displayed in restaurants and at Disneyland. Ah, the actual perks of Calif. You play, then you play! I was in choir, and we had a similar thing, sing and then enjoy the rides. Oh, wait, wrong band…

If you’ve ever tried to find info on how the back of a bra should fit, you’ll discover pics of bra bands that are halfway down the back and tight vs arched up in ridiculous lace rainbows arching for the neck. I’ve always done the former, but then I have wires that don’t stay snugged against the inframammary fold (IMF). Last night, I discovered why. 

I have a narrow back waist, and medium shoulder width. And between the two is a V shape. The bra back band has always sat at the narrow point of the V. (This pic has already had the band moved up some)

Following the directions of my teacher, I shifted that up onto my shoulder blades, on purpose, to make the band be more level with my apex. Not level with under the breast, level with the centered weight of it. Do you know how weird that felt?

Do you know that it also felt good? 

So, now I really do have lofty ambitions for this journey. 

Why is this important? Well, that’s a great question. 
If you are trying to hold an object in place and you’re only holding it up from the bottom and the straps, then the object is not as sturdy in place. The pressure goes through the shoulders, which may then ache. 
If you, instead, have the force go through the center of the area of the object, you have a better grip, and the shoulder straps are used as an anchor instead of the main pulley. Comfort increases, and lift is easier to achieve.


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