Full of Stitches

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Barely Fit

 They don’t hurt as bad, so I worked on the first toile with the changes for the DL03. 

Some background, I had altered the fitting bra to have a half inch more along the band after the fitter had suggested something like that for the fitting bra. Then, at the fitting bra check, she told me to do the band alteration that she’s giving out in general. So, I did that Tuesday. But that extra half inch combined with the instructed basic band alteration did not go well. My chest was trying to escape. It was a new and weird experience.

This time, I started over and just did the fitter’s alteration. Only that. I grabbed a kit and  cut it out and sewed up my first official toile. Once that was sewn together, there was just under two hours until the last fitting. I altered and cut out the Elegance as well. Will I make it in time?

So, there we are, I’m down to one finished bra that doesn’t fit, and I raise my little zoom hand to get in the group as instructed. I wait my turn patiently. And the person in charge passes me over and does another group. And I wait. She is discriminating against me for some reason. Finally, she calls me and I am allowed to talk to the fitter. Well, the bra did not fit. The powernet had seemed to be a similar strength to the one I ran out of, but it was too tight and I had to add a bra extender at the back. The cup edging had wound up too tight from being in a rush, and she told me nothing about what I should do next. 

I’m tired. I’m sore. And I’ve had it up to here. 

I am so sorry that this has turned to complaints, but the communication had not improved with this company. I will write to them tonight to see what it is she has so personally against me. I still cannot share what this course is as I do not want to give them any advertising at this point.


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