Full of Stitches

Monday, February 10, 2025

Wires Don’t Have to Match

 This morning, I added an inch to the lower center front of the AFI Elegance pattern. Which seems like a touch too much, but it is better than it was. The cups have rotated into a better position. 

The front looks better, though the tips of the wires swung far enough down, they may need another eighth inch between at the top of the gore. The right wire, though, started to bother me as it was then digging into my ribs. What is it? 

I added a quarter inch to the upper center front, and that did not fix it.

I tried a larger underwire, and that did not fix it.

I tried a smaller wire, and it feels better. The width of the wire is now closer to my breast root and on the front edge of my body, not back in my ribs on my side.


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