Eyes. Blurring. Must. Sleep.
When the husband is late getting home, what do you do?

I almost went to bed early. haha, I know. But, then I sat down to read email and, in response to Kris (in need of quiet toy ideas), Esther went and posted this doll making page! Lots of free patterns for dolls. Cynthia was talking about preparing for Christmas and that got me going..
I found this one by Runo for a "life size baby doll." Hmm.. broadcloth, maybe (sub calicos, or in this case eyelet!).. knit for the skin, I've got that somewhere, in many colors.. So, I got the doll cut out, and then I started looking for the fiberfill.. I can't find it! I'm going to have to get to the store tomorrow -er, um, today- to get some. So, I sewed up what I could. The hands look so cute! I can hardly wait to get it filled and see what the face will turn out like! And what size it ends up.. all the pieces seem so tiny, but then again so does a newborn.

I almost went to bed early. haha, I know. But, then I sat down to read email and, in response to Kris (in need of quiet toy ideas), Esther went and posted this doll making page! Lots of free patterns for dolls. Cynthia was talking about preparing for Christmas and that got me going..
I found this one by Runo for a "life size baby doll." Hmm.. broadcloth, maybe (sub calicos, or in this case eyelet!).. knit for the skin, I've got that somewhere, in many colors.. So, I got the doll cut out, and then I started looking for the fiberfill.. I can't find it! I'm going to have to get to the store tomorrow -er, um, today- to get some. So, I sewed up what I could. The hands look so cute! I can hardly wait to get it filled and see what the face will turn out like! And what size it ends up.. all the pieces seem so tiny, but then again so does a newborn.
Labels: Sewing
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