Jetlag or Sugar Craving?
I'm crabby. BB decided to sleep in my bed last night and I ended up squashed in the middle between her highness and his hotness. Maybe I should have waited to turn on the heater! I woke a couple times, most notably at 4am for a drink and pee (something about being 6 months PG sends me to the bathroom at night). I should have gone to the couch, but crawled back in my bed. She woke at 6am and wanted "mill."
After a short while, I gave up and got up. I started breakfast around 6:30am. Turned on the light in my bedroom for his hotness to wake and opened the blinds in the children's rooms to begin waking them. I'm thinking of getting some blackout fabric for curtains to keep the streetlight and moonlight out of their rooms so that her highness sleeps better. I'd also like some drapes as the profusion of large windows lets in the chill.
I fed his hotness and her highness and woke the other 2 around 7am. Eggs, bacon and toast: mmm! Fed them and myself and took care of BB again.
Ben hopped in the shower, the children were happily busy, I plopped into bed again. Apparently, I was such a thorn this morning that Ben didn't want to 'risk' waking me to snuggle or say goodbye. I arose around 9am and he was gone.
I had such a good time back 'home' in OK. I've missed my friends and the children have missed theirs!
Becky has a new calf, the naughty dog has a new home so the chickens are once more safe, and they're working toward child #4!
Stacy's husband is considering a new job- so they may move- and they're expecting #5 in early summer.
Nancy's so much happier with having her DD at home for school! And, she started quilting and got me into it! (I made a quilt in a week, it's in line at my MIL's quilter and will probably come out here with the Christmas gifts in Dec.)
I didn't get to see Renee, she's begun working again and her boys are in school -most of our free time was during the week.
We ate out entirely too much. MIL has a scale at her house and I weighed myself for fun - I gained 5 pounds in the 2 weeks I was there! It may all have gone to my middle, too, because suddenly I look pregnant! My last baby was 9 pounds, at 5'4" and normally 120 pounds, that's *huge* -last weight at MIL's house I was at 131 pounds.
(note: I do normally gain most of my pregnancy weight in the last trimester, I just know I need to take walks daily and I usually don't get them!).
We flew home on Tuesday. What a blessing to be able to avoid most of the influences of that day! The children were tired by day's end. Next time, I think I'll take a hotel room to avoid the afternoon/evening flights! BB screamed because she had to have the belt on for landing, but both girls were asleep by the time we arrived home.
Home... (sigh) wasn't as it was left. I had hoped that Ben would be able to do the basics of housework and get to his games when done. I know he checked the garden and weeded it a bit on weekends...
But, the squirrels ate it. I'd noticed before we left that they were getting into it. I thought a cage-type thing maybe on hinges at the back with a simple lock on the front would work, but it wasn't attempted. The only things left are the snowpeas (which is badly mangled) and most of the broccoli plant. If he'd been able to make the covers, then maybe we'd be enjoying fresh salad of mixed salad greens and radishes now. Ah well, such is life.
The cupboards were practically bare. Yesterday, we had oatmeal for breakfast (still have one more variety pack, then it's on to the old-fashioned type), sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner. Today, we polished off the eggs, bacon and bread and had to walk over to the store. I'm hoping that Ben made it to the DMV, but I don't know when he plans that. The little stroller fell backwards in the store as I was putting bags on it. Thankfully, it's a short trip - TJ and AJ each had to carry a bag. BB fell asleep in the stroller on the way and is still napping. I need to nap, but think I'll just postpone sleep indefinitely. After all, who wants to wake up crabby?
After a short while, I gave up and got up. I started breakfast around 6:30am. Turned on the light in my bedroom for his hotness to wake and opened the blinds in the children's rooms to begin waking them. I'm thinking of getting some blackout fabric for curtains to keep the streetlight and moonlight out of their rooms so that her highness sleeps better. I'd also like some drapes as the profusion of large windows lets in the chill.
I fed his hotness and her highness and woke the other 2 around 7am. Eggs, bacon and toast: mmm! Fed them and myself and took care of BB again.
Ben hopped in the shower, the children were happily busy, I plopped into bed again. Apparently, I was such a thorn this morning that Ben didn't want to 'risk' waking me to snuggle or say goodbye. I arose around 9am and he was gone.
I had such a good time back 'home' in OK. I've missed my friends and the children have missed theirs!
Becky has a new calf, the naughty dog has a new home so the chickens are once more safe, and they're working toward child #4!
Stacy's husband is considering a new job- so they may move- and they're expecting #5 in early summer.
Nancy's so much happier with having her DD at home for school! And, she started quilting and got me into it! (I made a quilt in a week, it's in line at my MIL's quilter and will probably come out here with the Christmas gifts in Dec.)
I didn't get to see Renee, she's begun working again and her boys are in school -most of our free time was during the week.
We ate out entirely too much. MIL has a scale at her house and I weighed myself for fun - I gained 5 pounds in the 2 weeks I was there! It may all have gone to my middle, too, because suddenly I look pregnant! My last baby was 9 pounds, at 5'4" and normally 120 pounds, that's *huge* -last weight at MIL's house I was at 131 pounds.
(note: I do normally gain most of my pregnancy weight in the last trimester, I just know I need to take walks daily and I usually don't get them!).
We flew home on Tuesday. What a blessing to be able to avoid most of the influences of that day! The children were tired by day's end. Next time, I think I'll take a hotel room to avoid the afternoon/evening flights! BB screamed because she had to have the belt on for landing, but both girls were asleep by the time we arrived home.
Home... (sigh) wasn't as it was left. I had hoped that Ben would be able to do the basics of housework and get to his games when done. I know he checked the garden and weeded it a bit on weekends...
But, the squirrels ate it. I'd noticed before we left that they were getting into it. I thought a cage-type thing maybe on hinges at the back with a simple lock on the front would work, but it wasn't attempted. The only things left are the snowpeas (which is badly mangled) and most of the broccoli plant. If he'd been able to make the covers, then maybe we'd be enjoying fresh salad of mixed salad greens and radishes now. Ah well, such is life.
The cupboards were practically bare. Yesterday, we had oatmeal for breakfast (still have one more variety pack, then it's on to the old-fashioned type), sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner. Today, we polished off the eggs, bacon and bread and had to walk over to the store. I'm hoping that Ben made it to the DMV, but I don't know when he plans that. The little stroller fell backwards in the store as I was putting bags on it. Thankfully, it's a short trip - TJ and AJ each had to carry a bag. BB fell asleep in the stroller on the way and is still napping. I need to nap, but think I'll just postpone sleep indefinitely. After all, who wants to wake up crabby?
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