Full of Stitches

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Poor Neighbor

Ben's been working odd long hours to get as much done as possible before the birth. Last night, he was out till after 11PM and the neighbor next to us didn't see that he came home, just that he hadn't been here by the time she put her cans down at the curb. One of the other neighbors (don't know which) was sweet enough to put our cans out for us - apparently having the same idea(s) that she was having.

So, our sweet next-door neighbor came knocking this morning to make sure that I'm okay. "I was afraid something went wrong and you were living in the hospital" because the car has been gone such long odd hours. Nope, still home. Still pregnant. Got till Sunday till the usual time I finish, after that will be a record for me. Tuesday's the due date.

I decided to put down the ugly socks (that I have yet to try on or photograph) to try these kilt socks. They're Highland Schottische Kilt Hose (p. 94 in my book) from the Nancy Bush book Folk Socks. The cuff took me about 4 hours with pregnant pauses and looking after children. Today, I finished the decreaseson this first one:
Isn't that neat looking? Then that one in the center just continues down to the heel. I had made BB's Christmas socks out of this skein, so I'll run out on the next round. Even though these have the same dye lot, all 3 skeins of the green I have are different shades and differing tones! I'm hoping that the other sock (which was started from a full skein) will be able to be close to finished from that one!
Maybe I can even finish one before going into labor...

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