Full of Stitches

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I finished the back-zippered baby sweater yesterday. All the knitting has been completed for several months, the zipper was the part that took so long! It sat next to the sweater for a looong time while I ignored it completely until I was 'ready' to sew it in. Thank Sara for that aha moment a couple weeks ago! I basted it in in an hour -seriously, it took 15-20 minutes once I actually started with the thread, but I pinned it 3 times. I sewed in the first side over the next couple days and set it down again. Yesterday, I couldn't find MissC's jacket, so I grabbed the sweater and thread as I headed out the door. I finished sewing the zipper in during Bible study.

I took a phone pic, but am currently slightly inept at getting pics from the phone to the computer. I'll take time to figure that out later.

Last night, Ben was out. The night before I came across a grocery bag pattern that I decided to try. Basically, use a plastic bag as the pattern for the fabric version. The tutorial shows how to make a pocket to fold the bag into for storage. I used some floral fabric that I might otherwise not use, and used the lining fabric as the pocket. The bag seriously looked not quite right without the pocket, probably because I'm used to seeing the store info on the plastic bags!

Gotta run. TJ has his Yorktown Reenactment today.

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