
Like a freakish butterfly emerging from its cocoon..

"Just taking a breather.."

I've adjusted the body shape some. This is the doll pattern I used to make Chloe last week. I shaped her sides and neck. Somehow I managed to attach her arms at an angle and she looks perpetually ready to either hug or dismember anyone in proximity.

Side by side, "I don't understand why my sister thinks I'm prettier, at least she has a face."

They both can sit, the new one a little better than Chloe. When I quick fixed the head to fit the neck, I didn't fix the whole seam, so her head's a bit pointy on back. No worries, that's what hair is for!
I love the artistic pictures and am very impressed with your work! :)
susanthebroodmare, at 2:33 AM
Thanks, Susan!
I've been having fun with these, MissC has claimed this doll as her own.
jennifer., at 5:36 AM
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