Full of Stitches

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Forming the Dress Form

After the previous go, I did retry the dress form. The computer still put the underbust and waist in the wrong place. So, I altered the pattern. I shortened the peaks, moved the underbust to 2 inches below the bust apex, moved the waist up and redrew all the lines. I didn’t change the inside form much if at all, so we’ll see how that goes once it’s stuffed. I did use some more of my Mom’s decorator fabric. The options were floral or floral or sailing. I went with a floral that had some parts close to my skin tone. I tried to leave as much of that skin tone-ish fabric near the neckline so that I can judge necklines and such without the distraction of heavy floral patterning. I have the dress form all done except for the post. Once that is ready, I can size the pipe to place in the sleeve that is in the center of the form, then stuff the thing. The pipe holds the center open and slides over the post the mannequin is displayed on.

I’m hoping this dress form will be a close enough approximation now that I can make fit adjustments to patterns.


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