Full of Stitches

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lest I Forget

Me? Forget? Often.

Tonight I was moved by Denise's hats and decided that I will use my Magic Stripes leftovers from socks to make some of those hats! I do admit that mine will not be near so pretty this way, but I'm on a tight budget and personally like a lighter fabric with tighter stitches to a thick one with larger holes. If I get through my Magic Stripes, then I may see what other washable yarns I have to give either weight pattern a go. I've made 3 so far. The pattern is *here*.

Also, we had picked up some "Lion Wool" (2.75oz per skein, one skein per child) for mittens whilst visiting in OK, but I hadn't looked for a pattern yet. I remembered afghans for Afgans (which I have yet to do anything for.. I may this year!) and using their links found a mitten pattern for the children. I used the preschooler size (which has it's own page) to start a pair for BB. The first mitten is crocheted and the second is started. I'm thinking that the children's 5-7 will be AJ's size (she has Looooong fingers) and the 8-12 size for TJ. These mittens stitch up so quick!! I'm thinking of fulling them slightly for fun and to see if that closes some of the holes crochet has. I'm sure that they don't really need it, but they'll full up with use anyway, right? And, perhaps I can get a Preschooler size out of what's left that I can send off to A4A?



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