Full of Stitches

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One of Those Days

Thanksgiving was nice. We drove up to Ben's Dad's house and enjoyed dinner with family and their friends. We stayed the night and were planning on heading back sometime Friday. Friday, we were asked if we could stay one more day. I had Ben look up the number for the portrait place and postponed our pictures.

Sometime that night, I woke to a burning screaming baby. I lay there trying to calm her and figure out what was wrong. I started to freak out, and prayed, and crawled out of the loft with the screaming burning baby and went downstairs. We lay on the couch by the wood burning stove so that I didn't need a blanket but knew that she wouldn't be too warm or cold outside her fever. The Lord granted me peace and told me it was her teeth.

She lay on me nursing for about 6 hours straight. At one point, I tried to take her back to bed, but I missed the step and the jolt startled her back to screaming. Ben called out to "stay there, don't come up" and so I went back to the couch. Turned out, he thought it was one of the children not me. I did eventually get back to bed after nursing the baby back to sleep again.

Her fever went down somewhat during the day, but returned with a vengeance when she napped and during the night. We drove home Saturday night and slept in Sunday morning. Sure enough that tooth broke through Sunday and the fever was gone Monday. She's slept in till 11AM both Monday and Tuesday.

Last night, I stayed up to finish the work for Bible study. I went to bed by 4AM and got up at 7:30Am. I had the children dressed and in the car by 9AM, but had to move Ben's car out of the way (sorry about the mirror). At church, she decided to scream, she hardly nursed and wouldn't sleep. She finally nodded off in the car, but I had to go to the store.

I received 3 orders for slings this morning (Does anyone know where I can find some BABY PINK twill or lightweight denim?). We stopped at Hancock's, but they didn't have it. They had the right color in the right area, but the bolt of fabric was in the wrong place.

We grabbed burgers on the way home, but Cow wouldn't close her eyes. I needed a nap, anyway. Sometimes just a little shut eye can revive, other times it leaves one screaming grumpy. It was one of those days. I woke to crying baby and squealing girls and it hit a nerve.

When I finally calmed down, I left the TV on and started getting school paperwork ready. Cow screamed a few more times and taken two itsy bitsy naps, and she's heating up again (there are 2 more teeth looking like they may come through in the next few weeks). I need to run off to the store for supplies and I'm not taking the children tonight (so it probably won't happen).

If Cow is up to it, we're supposed to walk to the library tomorrow.



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