Full of Stitches

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Schedule

February was a long month. Everyone was sick. I'm tired. My house is half-trashed (getting better!). My children are wild.

In January, T.J. started taking classes at a 'local' homeschool co-op. It takes about 20 minutes to get there, plus traffic, so 30+ in the morning with traffic and the just under 20 min in the afternoon.. plus the way back. That's 90 minutes of drive time twice a week.

On another day, he has piano lessons at the teacher's house. Awesome teacher, highly recommended. That's a 25ish min drive plus traffic, so about 45 min there (traffic generally only goes one way in the morning), so 70 minutes of driving that day. I'm not about to drop him and drive home because I couldn't make it home in time to turn around and get back. I've been trying to find someplace local to her house, but haven't seen what I'm looking for yet. Lessons are 45 minutes. So, today, I brought along the books and had Kindergarten in the car sitting in front of the piano teacher's house. The girls loved it.

Soon, the CSA starts again. The closest drop-off is about 15-20 minutes from here (yes, in CA people refer to minutes not miles to get most places)

Because of all this driving (which may not seem a lot to some), I'm trying to come up with solutions to my schedule. The first thing that I had to do is schedule the baby's nursing times. Before, she would just nurse whenever she wanted as long as she wanted. Now, she's stuck in the carseat. So, she gets up first of the children in the morning, gets dressed and nurses (during which time T.J.'s alarm gets him up, he does his chores and begins piano practice). Then I have time to make breakfast and get the girls up, hopefully. This morning, we were a touch late getting up and the freeway was a parking lot, but we were only about 5 minutes late.

Once nursing is scheduled, naptimes seem to naturally follow. MissC gets most of her morning nap in the car, though the times vary (like today, she slept on the way home after 10AM, whereas tomorrow the way home will be a continuous trip with the way there abut 9AM). On a day like today, she's somewhat rested and ready to play when we get home, but afternoon nap isn't as appealing. She's getting used to sleeping in the car, but it's not time to go anywhere! Tomorrow, she may or may not sleep in the car and will be ready for the afternoon nap, which gets interrupted to stick her in the car, in which she'll fall asleep, but that makes it a shorter nap.

This last week, I started setting her in her crib at naptime and bedtime. She hasn't been too happy with the whole production, but is starting to get used to it. Last night, I was late and she was super cranky. I sat down in the rocking chair and she pulled away. I held her up eye-to-eye and asked if she wanted to nurse, she shook her head -no. I pointed to the crib and asked if she was ready to go to bed, she nodded -yes. She still fussed in the crib, but she knew she was tired and needed to sleep. My baby's growing up.



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