Full of Stitches

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break

For several weeks it's been sunny, warm, beautiful. Yesterday I decided it was about time that I found 'our' beach.

img tjajbeachimg bbccbeach

The beach was windy and overcast. The rare glimpse of sun blanketed the sand with warmth. The intrepid explorers eager to face the mighty onslaught of nature while I watched and knit.

img beach childrenimg tjajwave

I looked down at MissC, "See the water?" She looked toward the lapping, bubbling waves and ran. As she reached the edge, she dropped to her bottom to watch the bubbly water swish by, inches from her feet. I hurried behind and scooped her up as the second wave came crashing, soaking me past the knees. I carried her out as the waves ran back to gather force. A glimmer rolling with the tide, now left on the beach, caught my eye:

img beach bubble
What is it? It's a sphere, perfectly clear but for a couple/few lines of white banded between what could be openings on the axis (the darker stuff is just sand). Within it was something difficult to see, grayish, shaped almost like a leaf, with a couple tiny bubbles. I found someone else's photos of something like this.. Any clues, I'd love to know.

img beach missb

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  • Sweetums, that looks a piece of a jellyfish that has been rounded by rolling in the surf. When I was a boy in Oregon, we used to find dense, clear jellies on the sand. Some were over a foot across.

    By Anonymous Poppa, at 6:17 AM  

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