Full of Stitches

Saturday, March 18, 2006

March rains

What a lovely day! The skies have turned a deep gray and are finally opening out their wells of life onto the land. I was sitting here at the computer reading crochet blogs and the thought came to mind that this would be a perfect opportunity to use the seeds in the fridge in that front plot. I hope the next owners will recognize the produce there and put it to use. I think I'll take the rest of the seed packets with me and see if there's a spot in our new yard that I could plant a garden. If my husband doesn't object.

I have the MOTH book and they came out with a Chores version! My friend Stacy is letting me borrow it to read through. I think I may get a copy delivered to my new address!! I'm so excited to put this to use. (note: this will be background info, don't continue reading if life bores you!) I remember a time when I was young that we were required to do daily chores (make the bed, tidy room, etc), but after my Mom went back to work, the chores dwindled away. I think the excuse was that we were children and that play was our work. Well, I went into my adult life as a child who didn't see herself as an adult. Heck, I didn't know what adults were supposed to do except work and yell at each other.

The friends and associates that I tend to think most highly of were the ones that gradually were expected to take on more responsibilities as they aged and were given the training needed to do the job (until they had enough training that they could figure these things out).

After returning from England, we were staying with my parents until my husband had direction in where we were to live next. Since the opportunity was at hand, I asked Mom if she would take the time to show me what a housewife generally was supposed to do in a day to have her home prepared. I'd hoped that perhaps she would have me go along side her (or she would oversee as I performed the tasks at her call) and I would actually feel like I could take care of a home once I was in my own once more. Instead, she rattled off a list so fast and long it left me reeling! I asked her to help me and she said something like, "You just get in there and do it, then it's done." I was discouraged and never asked again. Perhaps, she thought I knew how to do those things and couldn't fathom her own child as incapable in the home?

Thank you, FlyLady, for putting information on your website that takes us through the first few items. You were my mentor when I regained the courage to try again.

I've read the first 4 chapters of MoT-Chores and can't read chapter 5. It's about husbands and their attitudes toward chores and I don't even want to go there. I'll read chapter 6 about wives' attitudes and give prayer for my issues and for G-d to move in my husband's heart if he wants a more peaceful home.




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