Full of Stitches

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Today, I pulled out my copy of Hair by Anne Akers Johnson and tried out the frenchrope:
I think her instructions are great for working on someone else, but to do this to my own hair I worked somewhat differently. I started with a small portion on top -just like a frenchbraid- and crossed left strand over middle, then right strand over middle.
Then, I changed to frenchrope by:
1) adding some hair from the left side to the left strand and twisting it towards the right without crossing
2) adding some hair from the right side to the right strand and twisting towards the right and crossing over both the other strands (so it becomes the left strand), then adding some more from the left side to this same strand and twisting a little more. (note: always twist in the same direction!)

To continue, I repeated step 2 till I ran out of hair to add. The rope below is done without adding any hair, just twisting the right strand as it passes over the other 2.

Personally, I found it easiest to do just a little twist with the right hand and do most of the twist with the left hand because I'm right handed and the right was holding the hair more firmly than the left could.

Have fun and let me know if you try it out!



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