“B- Carrying An Egg”

My children love to draw. Sometimes, I have to ask what the drawings are, but they're shown off with pride. LasT night (MisSC'S HELPING ME TYPE), I couldn't sleep. SO, I thougHT ABOUt how TO add THE hair ON thE DOLl. THEN, I REMemBered A drAWing THAT'S bEEN ON mY DEsk since LAST summer. MissB drew it and when I asked about it, I was told it's, "B-- carrying an egg." I pulled it out and taped the egg basket back to the body and started cROCHeting.
I came up with this:

With how round the character is, I decided on a ball for the body. Any drawing could easily be rendered in yarn as a flat pillow (make a matching front and back and stitch together) or as a handpuppet! The egg in the bag is an elongated ball, the basket simply chain 5 loops connected with sc. To keep the egg inside, the bag is closed with sc. And, to keep it becoming lost, the basket was held between stitches and is not removable.
It only took about 5 hours in all. T.J. got up this morning and pulled out his computer to draw me something to make him (he emailed it, I'll have to see for sure, but I think it's a dragon) while cheering me on to finish. I used the loop stitch for the hair and I think it came out well. I'm thinking of adding it to Ravelry as "Children's Drawings" under the toys category. If you do one, send me a comment so I can check it out!!
That's adorable!
Teresa, at 12:46 AM
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