Full of Stitches

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Yikes or wow, both describe the feeling. My dear friend received a book from a friend of hers and was able to show it to me. Today, we sat on her bed like a couple of girls and I read excerpts from it. I was floored. Finally, a book that gives me a greater insight into who my husband is and what to do about it! I was amazed! Basically, there are 3 types of men (based on the 3 personalities of G-d) and most men emulate one the most. My beloved Neb is Mr. Steady.. slow to anger, abounding in love.. and to fulfill my place in his life I need to begin to become the Proverbs 31 woman... umm... Is it just me, or is that not me? I've been called to be the opposite of what I've always been. I'm not self-motivated, but that's what he needs me to be! I'm somewhat lazy, but he needs me to be on task! I have no desire to deal with making and running my own business, but that would please him to no end!!

I'm going to find this book.. And when I do, I'll post the link..
Here it is:
Created to be His Helpmeet No matter your convictions about the one area of their philosophies that many people have issues with, this book is awesome.



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