Full of Stitches

Friday, June 01, 2007



Originally uploaded by fullofstitches.

I was blog hopping yesterday and came across this adorable site. I saw this pillow she made and jumped out of my seat searching for a good fabric for embroidering!

In 2004, TJ had made this list and it just touched my heart that he thought to include the unborn baby. I hung it up on an empty nail on the wall. When we moved, it was packed with my sewing supplies and journeyed to the Midwest. Again we moved, and again it ventured. Last night, I was able to get it about 3/4 done and I finished the sewing this morning.

Now, I just need to figure out what to do with it.. Pillow or little blanket? I may make it into a quilt to hang in my sewing room.



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