Full of Stitches

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Yeah, I spaced Socktober. Again. But it wasn't like I wasn't knitting. I just didn't have anything finished. Still don't.
img: projects
I'm working on my Nancy Bush collection. The grey Latvian Socks from Folk Socks are for Ben - He asked to leave off the picots so I worked one purl turning round, otherwise I'm just following the pattern. Oh, and working an Eye of Partridge heel.

The purple Baudelaire's are for me. I bought the yarn just after the pattern came out and set it aside till I had knit up some toe-up socks that fit. This spring, with little baby at hand, I started knitting them. I got through the gusset. Twice. Finally got that right and went for the heel turn.. I think it was a cross between baby brain and new skill that kept me from getting it right. (I kept miscounting and end up wrapping the same stitch!) I'm happy to report that in the last week I turned that *&!% heel and caught the other sock up to it. Last night, during Journey to the Center of the Earth, I started the first leg. This morning, I started the second and ripped it and finally caught it back up to the first sock.
I'm trying one on right now. Next time, I need to use a different toe -this one is too tight, seems to be for pointy-toed people- and make the foot about 1/2" or so shorter. With all the trouble I've had so far, I'm not ripping them again: I'd never get them done! My aim is to use up the yarn and see how close to knee highs they can get.

My other project is the 'earth metals' sweater for T.J. Gold, silver and copper were his colors -those are the currency in most of the computer games he plays. So far, I have the body close to the armpits and have begun the sleeves. His birthday is under three weeks away, let's see if I can focus!



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