Full of Stitches

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Patronizing the Arts

The weather is fabulous! Mid 70s, clear and breezy, California. Yesterday, we got the first of the new little's papers done, the birth certificate (now he's a bona fide American mutt). Our midwife asked what we're going to do this weekend and I had no clue. I looked at Ben and said, "Let's do something out side."

This morning I remembered that last month I'd seen an article in the newspaper that Stanford's Rodin collection is on display. So, while he was sleeping, I googled the info and pulled up directions on his phone. We made it there just before the docent led the tour.

The children did so well! MissB did try to drag me away from the group, so I read her some placards and explained that we were to stay with the group and listen. MissA attached herself to the docent (she has a habit of taking the hand of the person we're supposed to be following), TJ complained his legs ached, and MissC was said to break into song now and then. All in all, a very quiet and peaceful outing with 5 children.

And they took in the fine arts.

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