Full of Stitches

Friday, May 12, 2006

Foot Loose

Obsessive crafter that I am, I started 2 more socks this morning. No, I haven't finished Ben's fraternal twin socks, but I did decide to make the Pedicure socks for Sue. I've got some blue and brown WoolEase that will look nice together, I just hope she'll like them.. Also, I started an "Embossed Leaves" sock from Interweave Knits (win '05). The sock is gorgeous, but I've never done anything lacey yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and make it using what's on hand (Magic Stripes) and get some nice yarn later for some for me.

*Note (3 days later): the almost 2yo has struck again. She yanked two needles out of the EL sock, so I'm going to rip it and focus on Sue's sock.*

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