Full of Stitches

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To

Happy Birthday to me!

This week, thus far:
a) the landlady changed her mind, we can't have chickens now. (we've got 7 banty pullets that need a home in the Bay area, CA)

b)Ben took almost ALL my stuff out of the craft/school room. The built-in shelf still has many many craft books and school books, that's about all that's left. He moved the couch and standing bookshelves in there and now we have a sitting room where he plays guitar whilst the children play. We spend our reading time in there now.
so, now the family room is piled close to the ceiling at places and I have to go through my accumulated crafting supplies (crochet, knit, sew -machine and hand- -clothes and quilt-). I haven't found the camera yet.

c) I had a quiet birthday. I was a bit down this morning, but the children insisted that I make my birthday cake for breakfast and they sang to me over cupcakes and each got to blow out a candle. And this evening I've talked to all my sibling and Dad and MIL! Wow. Everyone called me, how much more special can it get? Ben's gone to the airport to pick up our friends, they've spent the summer on the east coast and we miss them terribly!

d) School started (like it ever really stopped..) with a new system. TJ's in fourth grade now, so I'm implementing the letter grade system. I meet with him in the early morning and go over all the classes, if needed we go in depth over the material, then he gets to work on his schoolwork while I care for the girls. AJ's lessons happen during one of Cow's naps -today we worked on reading and math.

e) Oh! I almost forgot. I stabbed myself in the hand with my ginghers (sharp sewing sheers). I kept ice on it that most of that day and it's not that bad now...



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