Quilting Along..

Last night, I couldn't sleep for the baby wanting to be awake. I let him be and went to the sewing area. I'd started this road quilt awhile ago, but wasn't pleased with the backing. TJ's favorite colors are red and yellow, and I couldn't find anything with a simple (preferably map-ish) print and had settled on buying plain red. You know how that is.. Well, it sat and waited. Each time I went to put it together I set it back down. Last night, I came across a piece of yellow that was just wide enough, but not quite long enough. And, I had the red barn fabric right there, too! Perfect! They're both mottled (not too plain, not too fancy), and the quilted road looks pretty cool - he's going to love it.
Earlier, I'd set the girls to sewing. They're making 9 Patch blocks. MissA's has a clothes theme, MissB's has a food theme. MissA has the three rows of three blocks sewn and ready to sew together. MissB has one last square to sew into a row and then to sew the rows together. I was amazed at her perseverance! She usually does starts things like this and asks me to finish after the first seam. And look at those cute stitches:

Labels: Homeschool, Sewing
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