Full of Stitches

Friday, January 23, 2009

Doll Quilts

After making the pillow the other day, I made another four pillows, and the girls wanted quilts for their dolls. We swung by a quilt store, then Michael's on the way home and picked up a bundle of bright fat quarters. I cut out a bunch of 2.5" squares and had the girls help me set the patterns: rainbow and 9 patch. Pink and blue for MissA, purple and green for MissB (I'll have to get better pictures, these are really washed out looking):

img pinkdollquilt img purpledollquilt

The nice thing about showing my work off on the blog is that you can't see how terribly I missed the lines when trying to 'stitch in the ditch' to quilt them! And, the green stripe on MissA's pillow cases is because I didn't double check how wide to make the cuff and cut it an half inch too narrow. I cut an inch of green to make up for it (the 1/2" plus seam allowances). MissB looked at my first quilting job and pointed out where I'd gone off the line into a green square.. Thanks, kid. These were fun and quick -a 2 or 3 day project. I've already got the next two or three ideas for quilts in my head! Ah well, must be the nesting hormones or some such!



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