Full of Stitches

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

A Flower Garden

The other affect the termite spraying had was the loss of part of the garden. The sunniest patch was along the side of the house, right next to the infestation. They had to spray along the wall, and the poison can stay in the soil a while - packages at the store suggest not to eat foods grown in such soil for at least a year. Le sigh.

So, out came our lovely veggies that we'd worked so hard to plant & grow. I suppose there's always next year. Thankfully, the potatoes were in the fenced garden. We're hoping to get a harvest this next month or so.

I may get some more manure & garden soil to plant some goodies near the potatoes, but our main goal this year is to get out of debt.. And, the soil amendments just aren't in my budget.

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Monday, June 07, 2010

The Blue Room

Finally! I've remembered to take a photo of my new blue walls in the light of day. (Kind of makes me feel forgetful..)

It's a very cheerful color, Ben loves it. We just need to trim the room with basboards & it'll be about done.

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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Getting There

Ben's meeting was cancelled, so he's washing the carpet tonight. The color isn't quite accurate, the walls are very blue, not green.

It's seems strange moving into a small room again. Changing the larger bedroom into the schoolroom seems productive. We can potentially keep the school supplies better by having them out of sight (out of mind). And, it's not often we sit in the bedroom. I'm hoping the rocking chair fits, it does give me a nice spot to nurse the baby. Though, I can get by nursing on the bed. I get more sleep that way, too.

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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Slow Going

We touched up the paint Tuesday night and only got as far as vacuuming Wednesday night. I was hoping to get the carpet cleaned already, but we've scheduled it for Friday. If I can make the time and figure out the machine, I hope to get it done so we can move stuff into the room Friday.

I am looking forward to having a full hallway again. The shelves are lining the hall right now and it's hard to walk through whilst carrying the baby. The laundry baskets don't fit. It's been a blessing that no one's sick this week!

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