Full of Stitches

Thursday, July 17, 2008

He’s a Hep Cat


My daughters are fighting over this. MissC wants to hug him and squeeze him and call him, "George." MissB's favorite color is purple, and, well, the universe revolves around her, therefore Mommy must have made this for her. I was just using up yarn and trying the pattern book. They're insisting that I make all the dolls. And, TJ wants a mouse for Hep Cat to play with.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wrap Dress

This is my first non-maternity wrap dress. I like.


Altered: use shoulder height of 2 sizes smaller, rest of dress under sleeves and on down in 'my' size. Skewed armscye and used 1 size smaller to fit between top of side edge and outer shoulder. Added 9" to hem and 2" to sleeves. Fit great on first try! I think the darts need to be adjusted a little next time.

Ben picked the sleeves. He liked how the flutter sleeves mimic the flow of the skirt.

MissB said I look like Luke on my top.


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Coming Up Short

(In which she realizes that she didn't check the weight of the # of balls used in the original..)

I have four (4) balls of yarn. It's lovely, the color's called, "Sorrel." My dear husband bought it for me and I looked at the four little balls and said that I'd figure out something to make of them. I searched patterns and finally settled on one. I started knitting. Hmm, 1 ball made it halfway down the shoulders. The second ball made it just past the join. I'm in the third ball and I haven't finished the bodice. I picked up a ballband -50g. There are still two short sleeves to go. I'm thinking the last ball should be worked into the sleeves, then finish the bottom. I can always use another color for the ribbing (sigh).

img unsoycarditry

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unSoy Cardi

img benchedcardi

I searched through Ravelry for ideas what to do with DK yarn. That really made me want the 9 volumes of Viking Knits! Anyway, I settled on trying the Soy Cardi, which I probably printed last summer just after she posted it! And, miraculously, I found that printout just after I dived through ravelry!

After the first skein of yarn:
img unsoycardi

I've nearly finished the November September Mystery socks... Yeah, it's not November September any more (almost, though). These were cast on in March, I'm trying to talk myself into finishing them in July. I keep going back and forth on what to knit, cardigan or socks.
img novmyssocks

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Attempt #3

Wow, this thing has had some trouble this week. Usually, if a post begins with this sort of a title, it goes through. So, here's hoping.

SICK. 3 down, 1 to go of the children. I've had it, too, but MissC's had it hardest, so far. Sunday: MissC. Monday: I woke up sick, MissC was still sick, MissB came down with it in the afternoon. On my bed. Tuesday: I felt better, just tired, MissB perked up in the afternoon. Now it's Wednesday, 5AM, and young Master TJ was up at 3AM to make a huge mess in the bathroom. It's finally cleaned up, and I'm going to bed.
