Full of Stitches

Friday, September 26, 2008

Exactically 6 Months

As the Mad Hatter might say.

Sock shots:
img bluekneehighback img bluesockboot

Gotta love it when the socks fit the shoes. These slouch just slightly in that lacey panel above the ankle, so I know they'll sit just inside the tops of my boots.

Yarn: 2 hanks Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, color: Douglas Fir.
Pattern: Scherherazade's Slippers, September 2007 Mystery Sock, from Maia Spins. I think I bookmarked this pattern the moment I saw it.

I cast on (according to my Ravelry notes) on March 27, and I bound off just before midnight Sept 26. Ben came home to me trying to do a photoshoot with the camera's timer function and gave me a hand with the back of the leg and boot shots.

img bluekneesockfront

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Free Handbag

Why not? I need a new one and, well, it's a contest (which I generally don't win, but might as well let it be known in case you win these things occasionally). Handbag planet is having a contest for their opening, and I've got no affiliation, but for writing this I get extra entries toward potentially winning one. Enter, let it be known, lower your chances, too! Have fun, it's the spirit of contests, yes?


Free Fishing Day

Tomorrow is the second (and last for this year) free fishing day in California. The promotion is that you don't need a license for the day, but you do have to comply with the other regulations, such as size and quantity limits.

I jotted this down on my calendar when I heard about it just after the first one back in June. Now the children are abuzz with how their going to catch fish and how well they'll fish and how many fish they're going to have. Gee, I hope Ben's all for fishing tomorrow...


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Still Knit

Sometimes it may not seem that way, fellow craftsters, but I do still knit!.

img bluesockdone

The two balls were slightly different sizes, so I finished knitting the smaller one until there was just about enough for a row or so. Then I just bound off in the ribbing stitch with a size 3 needle since I'm working these socks on 0s.

One donned, one to go.

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Simply Soup

In the CSA box last week was a bag of tomatillos. Sadly, I'd never used them before and had no real clue what they are used in, besides green sauce. Thankfully, the CSA has a website with recipes for nearly all the vegetables and fruit they supply. Last night, I made sure to use those tomatillos in the very last recipe on the page: Tomatillo Chicken Soup. So. So. Yummy. I used two of the Hungarian Wax Chiles in place of the jalapenos called for, and used up a red onion that had a quarter missing from last week. So good. I had Ben blend it while I was shredding the chicken (yeah, he got the easy job; I had to watch the girls, too, who were trying to gobble down any bits I missed on the bones).

I made a basic brown rice recipe and served crackers on the side. Simple, tasty, healthy. The children all enjoyed it and TJ will be taking some in his lunch today.

img tomatillochicksoup

(I couldn't reach my camera this morning, so borrowed Ben's phone for one). He has carrots & hummus, dates & Hello Panda cookies. Not shown are Oyster crackers for the soup and strawberries to fill the hole in the second tier.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pasta Makers

I've occasionally been asked how I 'get' my children to do things with me (or how I can have them there, is that 'how can you stand their help'?). Really, it's a matter of assigning age appropriate jobs. Tonight, we made a quick dinner of ravioli-style pasta. If I had done all the work myself, it would have taken much longer. As a group, we got it done in less than an hour.

img justalittle2

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