Full of Stitches

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apron Dress

I started off making those skirts for MissA, then I needed to make them shorter.. I was browsing and came across some layered skirts and thought how cute they were, I'll do that. Then I came across an adorable dress (and bearing my baby girl's name, how could I not replicate it?). So, the brown skirt that was going to MissA has become this dress for MissB because the only peasant blouse patterns I have are infant or toddler (up to size 4).

img brownaprondress img ribbonflower

MissB had a sneak peak and was excited that there was a purple apron on her dress! Hope to get a picture on her when she wakes! (I'd best get some sleep now!)


Monday, April 27, 2009

Skirts for MissA

Last Thursday was bring your child(ren) to work day. At Ben's office, they have a program for 5-11 year olds. With TJ in class only 2 days a week, MissA was the only one of age left. So, she's now gone two years in a row! The parent actually gets work done while the children get to go through a host of activities (I mean, what 5 year old isn't going to sit and program in JAVA for 8 hours straight?), and at the end they have a couple goodies and get a t-shirt. Last year, we made hers into a t-shirt dress (it was black with a big orange and yellow star, we attached orange fabric from a torn dress). This year, it's a purple shirt with a blue and white design. This morning, she announced that she wants to wear it as a shirt. "So, you're going to need a skirt, aren't you?"

Skirts are simple for someone her size and age! I thought of doing a simple yoke (her hip measurement + ease, elasticize the top) with a gathered skirt, but just went straight to gathered waist skirt, even found a 'pattern' with cute trim on Oliver + S's blog! Funny, though, I made it a bit too long (meant to hit no lower than ankle, it hits the floor) -oh well, at the rate she's growing, it'll be outgrown by summer!

img askirtolivens

She tried it on and exclaimed that it was just how she wanted it, though she did decide after wearing it that it was too long.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I took the train. It was so pleasant. And quiet. Just Alex and I riding the train. I have fond memories of riding the Tube train in England - those rare occasions that I overcame my tendency towards being housebound. The nice thing about becoming a midwife (or any career, I suppose) is there are new things to learn. This week it was NRP with Karen Strange.

Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP: the P is for program) is pretty much CPR for newborns. There are many other factors to be considered with newborns than with adults, which is why it's important to be taught how to resuscitate properly. Karen is the current leading authority on NRP from the Midwifery Model of Care.

..more (hopefully) later, fussing baby!


Monday, April 06, 2009

When I Couldn't Find the Key

I got up this morning to cereal on the floor. The older two had used Mason jars as bowls which were half full of milk. I made myself pancakes as milk bothers the baby, and asked TJ to sweep and the girls to pick up and wash the table when they finished eating.

I should have suspected this morning what sort of day this would be when I couldn't find the gate key. The grass is quite long. I missed letting the gardeners in last time -they come every other week- and this time the key was missing. It was finally found about lunchtime, but that doesn't help the spring grass grown quite tall after a month of neglect.

I had decided to start school again today. I started with TJ's Awana book, just reading through and getting an idea where he left off. He paused for a drink and came back to announce the table was white. I was nursing the baby and told them they'd have to use cloths wet with plain water to remove the excess soap.

The next time I got up, there was a table shaped puddle in the kitchen surrounded by a moat of prefold diapers. We moved the chairs and laid out some towels (mostly on the now wet carpet) and asked them to dry the kitchen.

I finished working with TJ on verses. Then I made grilled cheese for the children, PBnJ for me, and pulled out the vegetables and dip. Lunch went alright, until I stepped out to change a diaper.. I came back to MissC tossing tomatoes at people.

I got LG (Little Guy) to bed for his nap. I had a short nap (woken by the girls), and found TJ playing at the sink (he hadn't set his timer, but was mostly done loading the dishwasher) and reminded him to get it done so he could do his schoolwork. Then I scooped up MissC and put her down for a nap.

With the babies sleeping and dishwasher loaded, we got to school time. It began..
Mom: Get your Grammar book.
(TJ runs off to another room.)
TJ, practically in tears: I can't find my folder for Grammar or my paper folder.
Mom: I only have as long as the baby sleeps, what color is the folder.
TJ: The paper's in a blue folder and the Grammar is red.
I get back in the schoolroom, look over and there's the red folder next to the school table.

MissA and MissB arrived and announced that they wanted to do school, too. I gave them coloring pages. They took my tape (I'm in the process of copying the swimdress pattern for them), I took it back and reminded them to be quiet or go pick a book for Rest & Read time.

So, we got through Grammar in about 2 hours (it should take like 45 min, tops). I told him the assignment (which is already written in his school calendar).

The girls were hungry by then. They wanted to make popcorn! I really don't want to deal with kernels all over the house.. TJ agreed to sweep up after and they got the popper out. I did remind them to get the lid (so the popcorn doesn't fly all over the room) and then to get a big bowl (likewise). They got out the salt and pepper.. (sigh) and I put them away after I heard the fuss over how "too spicy" it would be for one of them.

The babies woke during the popping. MissC joined her sisters, crumbling the popcorn in her fingers.. covering the floor around her. LG just wants nursing. He's not feeling well today. No noticeable fever, but a slightly runny bum.

TJ decided to organize his closet. I called him back to work on his school assignments.
The girls went into TJ's room and got into his things. So, I went by and sure enough the room's a mess (mainly from the closet vomit). I gave him an half hour to clean it up and get back to schoolwork.

Now, it's almost 6PM. I've got LG snoring in the sling. I'm very hungry and still have to start dinner. There's popcorn and cereal plastered to my floor. And, the grass is long.

(All the little things we have to be thankful for.)


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Holy Day Dresses

I came across Practically Pretty the other day when looking for ready-made long dresses for the girls. Mrs. Betty Need and her daughter at Sense & Sensibility Patterns have come up with an adorable dress pattern for girls that looks so quick and simple to make up that I'm practically waiting with bated breath. Only thing is that blogspot doesn't want to let me post to her to ask if it's coming soon (she'd mentioned possibly March, it's now April), so I'm trying my hand at making one myself.

Okay, so I took a pattern, kept the shoulder and armscye, added a couplefew inches to the center fold and lengthened the neckline curve. That should give me lots of room in the center and room for a casing. I used single fold bias tape for the neckline casing. I'll sew more bias to waist for casing. Sew on sleeves, turn up hem.. MissA'll have a dress by bedtime. Just two more and the girls'll be ready.

And, somebody let me know when the pattern is ready!

(Edited: okay, I have a newborn, I finished it the next day. SO CUTE. The other two were done on Saturday. Super fast! I'll try to get a picture when they wear them next Sunday)
