Full of Stitches

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Modest Appeal

I finally went and purchased this swimwear pattern from BiblicalWomanhood.com (not affiliated, just sharing the link). There are several more pictures on the testimonials page. I've been thinking about buying one since I first saw it last summer (edit: this is the pattern I saw previously: Swimwear Solutions -depending on the look/make of the other, I may get this one in *my* size). AJ had been asking me for a swim dress, so now she'll finally have one!

This morning, I came across The Modesty Survey (as described in this blog entry). I wish someone had taken the time to explain that how a woman or girl dresses is a powerful influence on men, and especially to emphasize the positive influence of dressing modestly.. and to have been an influence that I greatly cared for and respected in the years preceeding and leading into my own physical maturation! I only hope that I can set a good example for my own 3 girls and remember to take the time to explain it to them as they grow!

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Heavy Sigh

She's been here a month now. Sweet child. She's number 4 and I'm exhausted. I jus can't keep up with it all - I must constantly remember: she's only 1 month! The first six are generally a matter of pure survival (apparently, I let out a somewhat maniacal cackle when saying those words to Ben.. he became really nervous..).

I'm in a sewing mood. AJ needs dresses. I want to make them to last through summer. Only problem: not enough fabric for her size.. unless I use the fabric that I bought for a dress for me.. I could probably get a dress for each of the three girls out of that. I've also got an inclination to make school uniforms -jumpers for the girls and a vest for TJ- for outtings. So, I'm thinking that finding the uniform fabric first would be good, in a color that would go with most of their clothes, then getting dress fabric.

And, I must be hallucinating from fatigue, I'm thinking of getting the dress fabric in bolts. Then I could have enough to begin a business. HAHAHA!! Ben's always looking at whatever I've just finished making and saying, "You could sell that," as if I had the time or inclination. I think the first thing I'd have to do is get a base product (like if I were selling dresses, I'd have to come up with a basic pattern for most sizes). I'm too tired to even iron the fabric so I can cut out my dress, how could I possibly do many?

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am around!

Though I haven't been crafting much, I have been wanting to post! The baby legwarmer is only a few inches long and BB removed the needles and pulled out some rounds a couple days ago. I got the needles back in, but haven't been up to knitting since that night. Ben got cable a few days after the baby was born and my computer hasn't been able to go online when I've tried since. I'm sitting watching the signal strength come and go and wondering if I'll even be able to post this topic.

Baby C is 4 weeks old today. She's happily nursing away when BB lets her and was up to 9 pounds yesterday.

I've been a bit down from the fatigue and messy house. I was literally going crazy Tuesday or Wednesday -my husband is so patient- and Thursday my Mother-In-Law, Barb, arrived for the weekend and started cleaning! It's amazing what having pleasant company and a clean house will do for a person! I think that Barb just has a wonderful spirit, but she also helps motivate us toward getting things done.

All month, with my time and energy sapping away to grow the new being, I've been thinking about food and nutrition. Finally, Wednesday, I put things in the crock pot and ended with a wonderful beef stew. We're trying again today and I hope it'll half as good. Today, I took a cabbage that's been waiting on the counter since Sunday, when we'd gone to a local farmer's market, and shredded it, pounded with salt and smashed into a mason jar to try to make some sauerkraut. If it comes out half okay, then we'll try another recipe with added vegetables or some of the seasonings next time. And, a jug of the (natural, called 'raw') milk had soured, so I'd left it out to separate. I've noticed that when the milks been shaken a few times, then it takes longer to separate. But, if I leave it until it separates completely, then the top of the cream cheese is yellow. So, it's been out for 2 days, and I've just poured it through the cloth to take off the first bit of cream cheese. When the rest finishes separating, then I'll put the whey away for other recipes. I feel so much better to be working towards making healthy foods!

At the farmer's market, one of the booths was selling tomato plants and salsa. We picked up 2 plants and some salsa (good stuff!), and I put the plants into the garden. I hope we don't get another freeze.. I'm still not back to focus yet, so I don't think I'd remember to cover them until I found them dead. I pulled out all the old plants that had grown up from the seed last fall and took out the weeds, too. It's almost March and that's planting season here in California.

I'm sure posting will be sporadic as usual as we adjust to #4 in our midst. I'll leave you with this image from FIL's house. This is what happens when the wet ground freezes in clay soil:


