Full of Stitches

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Begins With ā€˜Sā€™

Yesterday, Ben decided to paint a wall that the children had decorated. The other day, they got into my rubber stamps and took the stamp pad to the walls, doorknobs, hands, eyelids, and necks around them. After a half dozen coats of paint, the wall has just a faint hint of the red showing through.

Ben's friend from work, Ryan came over for a BBQ. The kids approved of him, and wanted to play with Daddy's friend. MissB ran around topless like her aunties used to do (one when she was BB's size, the other as a teenager..) :) and MissA took over his lap after dinner. MissC acquired a Dr Pepper and downed it.

Getting the kids ready for bed presented a slight problem. The tub has paint paraphernalia in it, and I didn't have much time to clean it right then. Ben suggested a shower and I let the girls get in there. After a while, sopping wet MissC came into the kitchen where we were playing Five Crowns and handed Ryan the 'toy' she had been playing with in the shower. I'm not sure who blushed or laughed harder, but we all were cracking up and none of us could remember the name of the item. Ben mentioned that I'm going through training as a midwife, and Ryan asked, "Doesn't it begin with an 'S'?"

Yes, speculum begins with the letter 'S'.

Well after Ryan went home and we turned in, MissC started vomiting. The first and last time she did was when she got hold of TJ's Root Beer and drank half the can. I remembered the Dr Pepper and just worked with her. I've been nursing her, changing clothes and keeping towels handy for the last 9 hours and thankfully, she's starting to have longer intervals between upchuckings. She's kept a good desire for beverage, too, asking for water since about 9AM, and she's starting to eat a bit again. She's being so calm and only getting fussy just before, which gives me time to get her contained now. I just need to wash my mattress (or buy a new one...) and we're all set.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Where Were the Presidents Born?

Did you know that it wasn't until our 39th president that we elected someone who was born in a hospital? The first 38 presidents were all born at home. As a teenager, I visited the then-new Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, CA, and was amazed to discover he was born in a cabin in the hills not far from the museum/library. Many of the presidents were also educated at home or self-taught.

One of the best ways to learn is to follow an example. In early schools, the students were taught to memorize their books: history was taught by reading the subject matter until the student was able to recite lengthy passages from memory. English was taught by copying sentences and breaking them down into the individual parts of speech. Mathematics were learned by rote and applied in class and at the general store. P.E. was taken care of with the morning chores, walk to school and games at recess.

In the last couple centuries (longer in Europe), school and birth have been removed from the home. No longer are children taught to sit and listen at Father or Mother's knee -they 'learn' in school.. And, learn they do. Just as their ancestors did, by rote and recitation: they learn the morals of the peers, teacher or state, they learn their games, but they don't learn much of the actual work.

Children will be children, teachers will be teachers, and parents must be parents. The very attitude that "it's not my job" can easily be ingrained in the minds and hearts of our children. To affect a situation, there is only one person that you or I can control to bring about change. I can only take control of me. But, my actions, and my attitude can be infectious and bring about change.

Not everyone is able or willing, but I have chosen homebirth and homeschool. Midwifery is choosing me. What is it that moves your heart and life?


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Must. Hang. In. Somehow.

How long has he been working like mad? Let's see, wasn't it just 3 weeks till the relatives were visiting? And, that was the first week of the month. So, 2-3 weeks since they left.. Wow, at least 6 weeks so far. I know how service-wives do it. The husband is gone. There's not a wishy-washy 7PM today, midnight tomorrow, I won't see you for 3 weeks, except on weekends (which are taken up with other life events). In many ways, it's SO much easier when he flies away: I have a date on the calendar when life will return to 'normal.' Not in San Jose. Such is life.

How will this all work out when I go to a birth? I think he'll work from home..

I had such a good weekend. It was back to back class days with studying and research all night. Like stepping into another world. I look forward to getting on with schooling and beginning to attend Study Group.

Thinking out loud: It would be fantastic if the Homeschool group had a regular meeting. I know we're all doing different curriculum, but we could touch base and compare and feel like it's worth while.

gotta get a breather.. no, have to clean up this huge mess and figure out how to get in routine again.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

June Bug

img missb moose
MissB is officially 4 years old. She's still trying to be 5, but she'll have to wait another year. The grands and uncle came out for a visit the week before her birthday, so we were able to have a nice celebration with them. I made a Green Velvet cake (I was out of red dye) which MissB doted on (purple & green being her favorite colors).

img missb apron

I've done a little bit of sewing. I made this blue strawberry apron for MissB (early B-day present) and I've started a dress for me. I'll get the apron pattern info later. It's an older pattern for a 'top or dress.' MissB's consistently asking for strawberry patterned fabrics every time we're looking at the fabric store lately.

My dress is a vintage Marian Martin pattern. It scalloped neck, sleeve, and pocket edges. I'd forgotten to remove the shoulder pad allowance before cutting, so I need to rip the sleeves & shoulder seams and fix that. Otherwise, I'm so pleased with the dress!

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