Full of Stitches

Friday, July 30, 2010

Spelling Program

I'm starting to be excited for the next school year. Ben has been involved in the preparations of the schoolroom and seems somewhat interested in what the children will be learning. Praise the Lord! He and I are reading through the MoTH book together and aim to prepare a schedule soon.

We've agreed on the History program (Veritas Press) and both like Shurley English Grammar. I'm not so great at *doing* science yet, but love the Apologia texts. I like Saxon math, if there's something more thorough, but a repetitive mind like mine can do, let me know. I liked Math U See until I figured out they never get to the easier way to multiply.. Just drove me crazy! I'd fight TJ because he'd do as the video showed & couldn't seem to get what I was showing him. Some of the other ones, I just don't get, like abacus. Sure, they make sense, I can figure them out, but they don't seem to be the simplest, most logical -boring :) -day in, day out Math.

Anyway, we have several beginning readers in the house. I'd like to teach them to read well. Personally, I subscribe to the Charlotte Mason philosophy and do not want the dumbed-down children's books in my home (they can read those all they want at the library). I prefer to surround them with great works, great language. If one is taught to read well, straight away, then the Bible makes the perfect beginning reader.

We started somewhat in this manner with MissA, using Phonics Pathway, but we focused on the reading, not writing & never finished the text. She can read well, but her spelling is atrocious. TJ was taught with more of a speller/reader idea, but I wasn't fully involved with that. My good friend, Brenda, introduced me this week to Spelling to Write and Read (SWR). This program goes that next step by introducing the phonemes & preparing more spelling capacity pre-reading.

As much as I'm hoping to look more into this program, I'm going to focus on getting my schedule together and start the curricula we already have & know we want to use.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Menu Planning 101

I've realized that I may need to get a regular menu going to make life easier. I'm not the greatest at figuring out & making nutritional, well-balanced meals.. It seems like if I could only get it set, it should almost take care of itself.. Right?

School will be starting by the end of August. So, I'd like to have a basic meal plan sketched & in place before then. I picked up a couple cookbooks Monday to help me get there. The $7 Cookbook has lots of salads & is arranged by type of food (ie, breakfast, soup, dessert) or main ingredient (beef, seafood, vegetarian). It's a 30 min or less style, so that would probably work well during the week. A child can be assigned a salad or other dish appropriate to his or her ability while I'm making the main course.

Poor Girl Gourmet is similar, but a little more extravagant. She even mentions that Anyone can at least have fresh herbs growing. I'm thinking this will be a cookbook for the school holidays (you know, those rare days when Mom feels rested enough to Make Something).

Last year, I picked up The Healthy Body Cookbook to work through with the children. It's set up by body part or system, with an experiment & 4-6 recipes meant to support the health of that area. With 12 chapters, it makes a nice semester course.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Schoolwork - Mine!

This weekend is Study Group, and I've got all 3 modules' questions just about done. Still have Projects & Essay Q's to go. I'd love to have all this written work behind me & get to births. Patience, by the Lord's grace, it will happen in time.

I received my Digestion Module back today. Didn't do bad. I love that Shannon jots notes to help us learn more about the subject.

I need to resend another module, the file was corrupted, but they're getting in. Slowly, but surely.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ready, Set, Lose It!

I need a nap. So far today, I nursed the baby, made the bed, got dressed, made breakfast (pancakes from scratch), supervised outdoor play, sorted some boxes, baked cookies (from scratch), made lunch (PB&J), & nursed the baby for his nap. TJ is loading the dishwasher, & the girls are separated for Rest & Read time.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010


I've been working away at the Study Group modules. With M & H out of state, catching babies, it's down to just K, D & I who attend our Study Group. My children were in VBS this last week, and the nursery gals even took the Little Guy, so M, Tu, Th, F, I was able to sit in the cafe and study! (Wed, the big 2 had piano lessons)

Saturdays, Ben takes the children -to see a movie today!- and I get to study more! I've got 3 modules almost done in just a week!!

My computer wasn't working the other day (I'm posting from my phone), and I'd Really like to type them up & send them in, so I'm hoping it just needed time off.. Ben said it started up fine today, but staying on once it was warmed up was the issue this week.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Little Turtles

The children are enjoying hiding the tiny turtles in their shells.

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Momma Turtle

On a trip to Shoreline Lake, I had started the Mommy Turtle from Amigurumi Two. I made the shell top and bottom, a half shell, and started the head when I discovered I didn't have the right size eyes. I stopped by D&J, but they were out of 9 mm. The turtle was set aside and promptly forgotten.

After finishing the teapot, I started a doll and ran across the turtle again. I asked Ben to stop by D&J while I was hosting Study Group. He was able to get one package of the eyes. I'm beginning to wonder if they just don't stock them much or if they sell them online more so they end up with none in the store.

Anyway, the doll got its eyes in and one the head and body were together was set aside. The turtle not only has the eyes, it's done. I made up one of the whole eggs and have the shells for the baby turtles, but I may run out of the green.. Maybe I'll have one be tan. (:

What's the first thing the girls do when they see the turtle? Check the opening for eggs!

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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th!!

Our church was putting on a colonial-themed Independence Day Picnic in the Park. I didn't have time to costume us all, but these dresses are so quick!

Enjoy the freedom in Christ our forefathers bought for us!

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Saturday, July 03, 2010


So I've got crochet on the brain. I have in mind to make up a doll, but I haven't drawn her yet. I start to draw and think "No, not quite right.." and scrap it. So, I pulled out Amigurumi Two and made the Tea Pot from the pattern Tea Set and Cookies.

The girls enjoy it. MissB was a little upset that the spout isn't functional. She suggested that I make an actual hole so that she could fill it with water and be able to pour.. It's crochet.. They filled it with blue Legos instead.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sailing on the Wind

This winter, I had started the application to attend the new birth center in Utah. With the Little Guy getting so sick, so frequently, we ditched the plans. Ben's Mom had planned to come out and help with the children while I was away, and decided to come visit still to let me have lots of time to focus on my written work for school. :)

What a nice visit we had! Barb, Ben's brother (S~) and cousin, Susan. They were here 2 weeks (Tues to Tues) and we had a pleasant visit.

S~ accompanied Ben to work most days, giving him a look at this area's working environment, and lots of time to practice programming.

Susan and Barb blessed me with their gift of organization. They went through most of the boxes in the schoolroom and cleaned up in the garage. I've still got to go through and put the school things in their places. But, now we have a row of cubbies (nonlocking cabinets for the children's school supplies) under the window, and the shelves are arranged somewhat to hold supplies. I'm planning on using my computer armoire as a writing desk, keeping stationery & stamps on hand in there.

During the full work week they were here, TJ was signed up for a sailing and windsurfing class. I drove him up, leaving the girls with their grandma and cousin (1st cuz, once removed?). While TJ windsurfed and sailed, I sat in the car and typed up my modules. I send in 3 and have 2 or 3 more just about done and another couple started. And: He had so much fun!!

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