I caved..
How does a homeschooling stay-at-home-wife hide that she's trying to make a Christmas present all afternoon? I don't, I found out. While sneakily stuffing the half dozen fruits and vegetables that I'd already crocheted, BB came up and started trying to help and AJ was wanting to know what it was. They ended up running off with the bag of 3 or 4 vegetables while I was trying to finish up the rest of them.

These things make up so quick! I'd done all five vegetables and an apple to the stuffing point, so they were picking food off me and running off to play with it as I finished the touches. While they were playing, I made another apple and started the strawberry. Then dinner. Then I finished the strawberry and AJ requested the watermelon -she'd found the pattern picture. I don't have enough orange yarn right now to make them, but I'd like to do another carrot or two and the orange. There's also a plum in the pattern, which I could make, but I think a bag and 9 food items in one day is all I can handle today! And, I still need to add the seeds to the watermelon.

There's also a tropical fruits pattern, but I don't want to spend the extra $$ today. I'd love to have a banana and that pineapple, though.. Maybe I'll wing it sometime. I also want grapes. I was thinking whilst making some fruit that it would be so easy to just do bobbles all over and -voila- grapes.
note: I changed the bag pattern to have 2 handles. My children like to wear things either around the neck (which is not allowed) or around both shoulders, so I thought I'd keep the short handles, but put two so they could wear it on one shoulder like Mommy or on both shoulders. To do this, I worked the dc border halfway around (there are 16 triangles over the diamonds, I went across 8 of them), then slip stitched back across 4 of the triangles and started the handle, worked it for about 10 inches, then slip stitch joined it to the beginning 3 dcs so that the last sl st ends up on the first dc, then I continued to dc (purl dc, really) the other way around and joined to the last dc from the first half, turned and worked the other handle from that point (9th triangle from original beginning, or 8th triangle from direction just worked) and connected it to the third triangle from there. I sl stitched to the beginning and joined/fastened off.
So, that means that the handles are worked -above the dcs- over 4 triangles.. start in one, skip 2, end in last. Then there are 4 triangles that the sl sts are worked over, then handle (start in one, skip 2, end in 4th), then 4 triangles that sl sts are worked over.
I also worked the carrot top differently. I wanted it to look more like carrot leaves, so I worked: 5 ch, sl st in 4th ch from hook, 6 ch, sl st in 5th ch from hook, sl st in next 2 (to be in same as the first sl st), 4 ch, sl in same place, sl st in next 2, repeat twice, increase length of leaves to your desire.
Labels: Crochet