Full of Stitches

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Patronizing the Arts

The weather is fabulous! Mid 70s, clear and breezy, California. Yesterday, we got the first of the new little's papers done, the birth certificate (now he's a bona fide American mutt). Our midwife asked what we're going to do this weekend and I had no clue. I looked at Ben and said, "Let's do something out side."

This morning I remembered that last month I'd seen an article in the newspaper that Stanford's Rodin collection is on display. So, while he was sleeping, I googled the info and pulled up directions on his phone. We made it there just before the docent led the tour.

The children did so well! MissB did try to drag me away from the group, so I read her some placards and explained that we were to stay with the group and listen. MissA attached herself to the docent (she has a habit of taking the hand of the person we're supposed to be following), TJ complained his legs ached, and MissC was said to break into song now and then. All in all, a very quiet and peaceful outing with 5 children.

And they took in the fine arts.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Made it Back

Grandpa's funeral was a celebration of his life. Our family and his wife's gathered together, some of us meeting for the first time, to share our loss at his passing. After the viewing, most went in to the prayers (not a service as we're used to), while the parents of younger children stayed to let them get out their energy on the playground. Then we caravanned to the cemetery and witnessed the burial together. Afterward, most of the group had dinner together.

The drive down there, though, had been trying. I've driven it before, with four children, in 7-8 hours. With a 2 week old, it took about 10. It's six road hours, mind you. He's not used to the car seat, he's used to Mommy pottying him each time (which can range, at this age, from every 20 minutes to about an hour apart, tops; we got disposable everything we could for the trip), he was up to nursing about every hour or hour and an half; well, he's new! The drive back was better, he went more like 1&1/2 to 2 hours between stops.

Sadly, not all the relatives had kept their contact info up to date. I'd expected a couple others to be staying at Grandpa's house and made arrangements to stay with friends (which I think worked out well this time, especially for the children -how often do you get to be one of a dozen children in a house?).


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Passing

My grandfather passed away Tuesday. When I got the call Sunday (his birthday) that he was in the hospital, I wanted to go straight away and get in one last visit. Instead, we'll visit with the family and cherish his memory this weekend.

img gpapint
(his birthday party, a few years ago)


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Funny Thing Happened

I had a whole blog post written the day the Little Guy was born, hit the 'Publish' key and was informed my internet connection was down. Humph. I clicked back to keep the post onscreen for later (since I can't even 'save for later' without an internet connection) and went about with life.

The 4yo, MissB, wanted to play on the computer.. and he let her. On my computer. I still haven't figured out where the desktop icons went, and the post is long gone. I'll have to write about the birth again when I have time for that.

img newalexmissc

For now, the stats: we had a healthy boy. I went into labor on my due date and he was born Thursday, March 5, at 3:30AM. 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and 21 inches long.


Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Ben came home from work and I gave him his dinner (thank you, Kris, it was tasty!). I asked him how set he is on Friday, because I've felt today a lot like the day before my monthly. Shortly after (about 9PM), I went to the bathroom and suddenly couldn't stop.

After a few minutes of me negotiating my knowledge of the size of my bladder.. I picked up my cell and called the MW. She'd just gotten in and I let her know my water broke and I'm assuming this will pick up in the next hour or so.

Ben's run me a bath that MissA and MissC took advantage of. The tightenings just started getting stronger and not so gushy. He's getting them ready and I'm about ready to get in the water.

Going to meet the new little soon.

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10:30 Came and Went

As much as children sometimes seem to know more than they ought, they're not always right. Today's my 'real' (LMP-based) due date, a week from Friday's my 'potential' one (ever give yourself permission to be pregnant longer by simply picking a day?). So, realistically, this is the longest I've ever been pregnant.

Yesterday morning, I had lots of tightenings, but today's been a breeze so far. I haven't had a rest yet, but I'm planning on a nap as soon as we're back from the store (I did make sure to 'sleep in' -went back to bed an extra time this morning, got up at 8AM). T.J. has been banned from his room for the day... which will only make it more difficult, but perhaps he'll engage his sisters in something other than rough housing.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Check Up

I woke early this morning a couple times to the baby so stretched out that I was half convinced if I as much as rolled to the side the waters would burst! I waited and rubbed the baby through my belly and when baby relaxed, I moved..

Saw the midwife today. Tomorrow is my LMP estimated due date (EDD), and I've never made it this close to the EDD before! The other 'potential' due date is the 13th (which I don't believe I have a snowball's chance.. of making it to). Baby flipped sides (ROA instead of LOP/A) and I could hear the heartbeat SO clearly through the fetoscope (a kind of stethoscope -I generally don't allow the doppler to minimize the baby's exposure to radiation [which is what ultrasound is a type of]). My blood pressure's gone up a bit (110ish over 72, instead of my usual PG 100/60 -safe range, just a sign that something's happening).

MissA gave us a smile. She told the midwife that today is a baby's birthday. MW asked whose baby and MissA told her, "I don't know," but went on to say that she'd be at our house at 10:30 tonight. Sounds like I need to take a nap today.

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