Three day weekend coming up here in the USA. The little guy needs some fresh chonies, and I picked up this fun superhero bamboo from Bra Builders after the Bra Bee. We looked through my elastics stash and he picked the fun one to go on his new boxer briefs. This red and black elastic was purchased at B,Wear. I showed him the Jalie 3242 pattern and let him choose the style he liked.
I was hoping to use my serger, but have managed to misplace the manual while moving from Hub’s office to my basement workspace. I expect that I’ll find it soon, but I want to get these done.
In order to make these more comfortable, I’m enclosing the “Pouch” seam, just like a gusset on girls’ underwear. The fashion fabric is face to face -Right Sides Together - and the lining is Right side to the fashion fabric’s Wrong side. This will make those center seams AND side seams be inside the Pouch.
While batch sewing, when one seam ends, just lift the foot, pull a tiny bit of thread through, and start the next seam. This saves thread.
Now, to enclose the seam. Pin the fashion fabric, Right Sides Together.
Now, I turn the project around (not necessarily needed, but for photos, so you can see better).
We’re going to roll the fabric up between the Pouch pieces.
But, we need to not have too much bulk in the crotch end, so I fold it first diagonally.
Then roll it. See how the Pouch Lining is easily accessed for the next step?
Pin the Pouch and its Lining together, and sew!
Enclosed Pouch. Looks rather comfy. The inseam would be nice in a cover stitch, but I don’t have one, and need to find that serger manual for a good substitute. For now, I’m using the Overlock in my sewing machine.
I’ll finish these up tomorrow. Hems just need to be turned up and sewn, and the elastic Waistbands added.
(Next morning)
All done. I was able to get four pairs of the low waist trunks from the half yard cut of bamboo from Bra Builders. I’ll need more to get as many next time! The boy is growing.
Labels: b wear, bamboo, boxer briefs, bra builders, BraBuilders, briefs, bwear, Jalie 3242, trunks