Full of Stitches

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The best place to rest, and I have to share. I finally pulled out the camera.. Maybe I'll get a good shot of just Clarice soon!

My parents and nephew made it into town last night

Nephew J keeps telling me, "I want to hold my baby."






Saturday, January 27, 2007

Welcome Clarice Lynn

Our newest addition was born Saturday evening at 5:21PM PT. She weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz and was just 21 about inches long.

After my previous post, the contractions stayed mostly mild and semi-irregular, slowly growing closer. It seemed each time I was in the birthtub, they edged closer. Ben took the older children out to get lunch while I tried to get BB down for a nap -failed because I had a contraction as I put her to bed and she just stayed up and played. When Ben came home, I stayed in the birthtub mostly or the bathroom. In the bathroom, I passed most contractions by standing/squatting with my hands on my knees rocking. In the tub, I was leaning on the step stool rocking.

Around 3:30PM, they started edging close and about 4PM Ben asked if we should call the midwife. Yes. I warned her on the phone that we were having some heavier rains close to us and she appreciated having the time to drive carefully. She packed up the supplies that she doesn't keep in the car and was over by about 10 till 5.

I still wasn't sure how much longer I would be. The water hadn't broken, but the contractions were about 2 minutes apart. I had started puking mildly while she was on her way (Ben floated a bowl in the pool and rinsed it when the contraction/heaving ended). It wasn't bad, just through every other contraction for a few minutes. Then, while sitting on the toilet, I heaved and the waterbag exploded under me! I had been thinking that there should be some relief, but the baby must have been pushed right in place.

As I was hobbling/contracting toward the birth tub, the waters suddenly leaked past the head ("I thought she was housebroken," Ben teased). Then, I got down on my hands and knees and felt 'heavy' (like needing to BM...) and decided to push a bit. It felt alright, just tight like my last baby, so I continued. I raised up on one knee and felt to make sure the head was there and to give support, and pushed. I asked Ben to help me stretch and pushed again and her head popped out. I called out, "Kids!" because they wanted to see the birth, the girls both came running in. I decided there was no way I could catch on my own because she felt big and leaned forward and told Ben to catch and she burst out and wailed! I could only see her bits from my view at first and announced that we have a girl. TJ popped in for a look and went back to his game on the computer.

Our midwife had told us of an experiment in self-attachment that we thought we'd go ahead and try out. Basically, the baby is placed on Mother's belly and allowed to find his/her own way to the nipple. This seemed somewhat fascinating and perhaps a good stimulant for nursing and for baby's brain. Apparently, there's something about a woman's unwashed areola that smell similar to the amniotic fluid. The baby sucks/smells its own hands and heads for the similar smell.

So, when I was uncomfortable on the bathroom floor and sure the children had begun welcoming sister -and ran off on their merry way- I moved over to the bed and put Clarice on my belly. She pushed with her feet (massaging my shrinking belly, maybe it's good for me, too!) and lolled/rolled side to side pushing herself up towards my chest and backwards towards my arm. She got her head right on my right breast and slowly turned from her hands and attached herself with a great latch! She nursed like a champ right from the beginning, wailing if I moved too much and latching back on for more.

Around 7:30PM, I decided it was time for the newborn measures and the midwife and her assistant did those right on my bed next to me. I watched to know the numbers and then went for my first bathroom break. When I came back, I sat and nursed her more. She fell asleep around 8PM. I made a few phone calls and Ben brought me food.

A little later, I handed her over to Ben. BB was exhausted and I usually get her ready for bed, so we tried. My dinner was ready -I'd really wanted stew- and when she saw me eating, she wanted to go and eat, too. That was fine, Clarice was fussing and I took her back. She nursed a long time. When we were tired, the midwife took our vitals and let us get to bed. I still haven't gotten to sleep. Listening to a new baby for breath seems to keep me preoccupied for a while. I'm heading to sleep now. I'll take pictures and hopefully post them tomorrow!


It Has Begun

I woke up hungry about 3AM and had a handful of granola. Went back to bed. Woke up at 5:30AM with sore hips/lower back. Couldn't get comfy -hungry again. So, I got up and made oatmeal, folded the laundry, put the next load in the wash and tried to get back to sleep around 6:30AM. Still not comfortable.

Went to the bathroom several times.. Realized why. Checked the paper. Sure enough -having a show! I went online to check my email (I'd emailed the midwife yesterday with the light pink show that had started yesterday morning), she's excited and looking forward to our paging her. Then I went into the birth tub for a while to ease the aching hips. Worked a treat. I just got out after each contraction to use the toilet and was fine.

I put the laundry in the dryer and came back in the room. Ben started stirring (just before 9AM) and asked if we're in labor. Yes. He told me to call his Mother. Called her, let her know and she's calling my sister-in-law (her daughter) so they can all be excited for us. I should call my sister and tell her to come over :) . She was at our last birth because we lived nearby. She won't make it this time because it's too far, but she'll be excited nonetheless.

BB woke up and wants to be in the tub. Ben took her to the store. He's having me write down the start time of the contractions. Haha.. they were like 8, 6, 5, 5 minutes apart and now I haven't noticed one for 10 minutes -but I am sitting, those were while walking around putting away laundry and getting BB ready to go.

Baby is moving around great. Midwife's on the phone.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Poor Neighbor

Ben's been working odd long hours to get as much done as possible before the birth. Last night, he was out till after 11PM and the neighbor next to us didn't see that he came home, just that he hadn't been here by the time she put her cans down at the curb. One of the other neighbors (don't know which) was sweet enough to put our cans out for us - apparently having the same idea(s) that she was having.

So, our sweet next-door neighbor came knocking this morning to make sure that I'm okay. "I was afraid something went wrong and you were living in the hospital" because the car has been gone such long odd hours. Nope, still home. Still pregnant. Got till Sunday till the usual time I finish, after that will be a record for me. Tuesday's the due date.

I decided to put down the ugly socks (that I have yet to try on or photograph) to try these kilt socks. They're Highland Schottische Kilt Hose (p. 94 in my book) from the Nancy Bush book Folk Socks. The cuff took me about 4 hours with pregnant pauses and looking after children. Today, I finished the decreaseson this first one:
Isn't that neat looking? Then that one in the center just continues down to the heel. I had made BB's Christmas socks out of this skein, so I'll run out on the next round. Even though these have the same dye lot, all 3 skeins of the green I have are different shades and differing tones! I'm hoping that the other sock (which was started from a full skein) will be able to be close to finished from that one!
Maybe I can even finish one before going into labor...

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Get Real!

I read about it on Monkey's blog and popped over to the Harlot to read the whole bit. Can you believe it?

So, were they banking without internet access? No, that wouldn't explain the fact that they were accepting credit cards for an online business.. Hello, Bank Execs, could you possibly get a clue? How many dollars do you think it costs to supply a knitter (male or female) with 6 pairs of socks a year, plus perks? Shall we break it down? The sock kits at BMFA range from $24 to $64 - and they use new product for the sock club (new colors that wont be available to us non-clubbers until next year!). There are bonuses and perks included - the notebook to keep the year in socks is a cute idea.

Sadly, lots of the knitters commenting seem to think this is an anti-female-business-owners stance from the bank. I hope they're wrong and that it's just stupidity. There are plenty of women who seem to think that sock knitting is not worthwhile - usually until they receive a pair of handknit socks, then they want more without the work!

I wish I were in the STR club, but alas, I'm impatient and they were already full when I went to sign up last year. Maybe I should get in the queue for next year :)

Since we're on the subject of socks, I just finished up a pair yesterday.. or rather, Wednesday (since it's already Friday, I guess that's not yesterday any more even though I have yet to sleep). So, everyone but me and the *mini who has yet to reveal itself* have matching socks! (Bottom pair is the newest, for 9yo TJ)
I used knitty's Widdershins pattern (by Brooke Chenoweth Creel) with LB Magic Stripes on size 0 DPNs to get socks that fit the 9yo! I've already started a pair in another colorway on size 1s that should fit me..
(note: the first pair that I attempted of this pattern was with Lorna's Laces and maybe size 00 DPNs - they fit the 2yo! So, I'm thinking that I need to buy some of the suggested yarn to figure out what size it is.. Though it could just be that I like a gauge of 9sts/in and this 7sts/in thing just calls for a bigger yarn in my hands.. 7sts/in just seems so airy: Under my feet, LL would fall apart so quick!)

I may make a pair for the New Little from the rest of this colorful stripes. But, even with a cute name like "Rainbow Socks" that AJ (the 4yo) has dubbed them, I don't like the finished look. I like the colors.. They're just too varying for me! I'm boring. I'll finish knitting myself up some ugly ones soon and then knit up some gorgeous lacy items!




Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Air of Calm

has left the building! Hahaha..

My poor husband has shifted into high gear. He quickly set up the birthing tub today, sanitized the bits, and is currently beginning to fill it.
When he got it together, AJ decided to pretend there was water in it.
I just want to take a shower and wash my hair. Hm, and take a nap, I'm tired again. I walked the children over to Panda Express for a late lunch/early dinner while Ben ran to the store for bleach and began his tub work. It'll be nice for his peace of mind to have it set up, just in case.
He keeps querying me on whether I'm having tightenings.. Half the time I'm laughing so much I can't tell. :)






38 weeks and counting

My poor husband.. He just wants to get his work done! He asks me if we've got two more weeks, so I tell him we have at least two more hours. After all, when the water broke with #3, there was an hour before contractions started and she was born under two hours after that.

There are two weeks until the due date. The mucus plug went today. What does that mean? Well, according to online data, that means that labor could set in anytime in the next two weeks! hahahaha! What does it mean with my pregnancies? Oh, probably sometime in the next few days. But, who knows, every pregnancy is different. With #1, I lost the plug at the onset of labor. With #2, I don't remember.. it may have been beforehand, but I don't remember. With #3, it was within a day or so of labor, I think.. Might have been that morning.

I'm being a good wife, though. I'm not gulping down my Raspberry Leaf Tea today. Ben's got that deadline tomorrow, so if it happens today, it'll be because of the Lord's timing, not helped by me. Much. Anyone wanna go for a walk around the park?


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


37 weeks today. That's the minimum for a "full term" pregnancy.

We went to bed early last night. Ben's started going in quite early so he can be home with us in the afternoon. It's strange, but nice. But, BB hadn't gone to sleep, she and AJ were playing for a while in their bed. When BB came in to me, she woke me and, after getting her to bed, I couldn't get back to sleep. My belly was having some tightenings, my back is a touch sore this morning. This baby seems to want to stretch me more than I'd noticed with the others.. probably because I haven't gained much weight until this last trimester.

So, I sat up reading. The midwife has given me several books to read. Last night I was reading through Your Amazing Newborn (an informational book about what newborns are capable of, not a how-to book). They're finally letting Science allow parents to know that babies are real humans with brains and abilities! The book allows too much crying still, but many main-stream parents don't know how to keep that down. Maybe I could go into that a little?

-Have a healthy pregnancy: don't allow the growing belly to be an excuse to put just anything in your mouth! This is your baby, how do you want to feed him? How do you hope he'll eat as an adult?

-Have a gentle birth:
20040611birthbb Know your care provider and be *sure* s/he not only knows what you want, but will work with you! Doctors are trained for problems, so they often see something and respond medically (cuts, drugs). Midwives should be trained for natural birth, with some medical training for real problem situations. The midwife will hopefully suggest alternate solutions before jumping into the medical hoops. The more 'managed' a birth, the less 'gentle' it is for your body and baby -whether you can feel it or not!

-Don't let go of the baby: Between you and your husband, you have four hands and arms to keep that baby safe. It's fun to know what size your prize is, but it can wait at least an hour, or maybe a day! My third child wasn't weighed until she was 3 days old. By the time she was a couple weeks old, she would only fuss to be put down to bed.

-Take care of all needs before baby has to cry to get your attention!:
Hold your baby. It seems so simple, so silly. I bought a sling when my second baby was 3 months old. I've heard the silliest phrase, "Isn't he too old for that?" when I suggest to other parents to sling their 1 year olds. Um, no, I sling mine until I just can't because I'm pregnant with the next! My third baby was in the sling from day 2 or 3, and still loves it! I just can't sling her for long because she's too heavy for my pregnant body!
Baby will root and suck fists to nurse (around 3-4 months, they start putting hands and other things in the mouth, do you want everything in that mouth? I take the time at this point to nurse each and every time I see that hand or toy go to the mouth. Baby learns that the mouth is for eating/drinking and I have very rare issues with objects in the mouth in a toddler -usually just when teething then).
Potty your baby, or at least change each and every wet or soiled diaper!
Use cloth to make it easier to know! Don't make him go through the night, unless you want a night-wetting older child! By the time my babies are 9-12 months, they can make it through the night dry. Babies grunt when they need to go potty. My second taught me at 5.5 months that she knew what was happening and just needed a hand getting to the toilet. My third taught me that they make a couple distinct sounds that relay which they need to do!
Sleep with the baby. At least have the crib/cradle/cot/bassinet where you can reach it at night! Baby will let you get more sleep if you learn to nurse lying down. If you want to get more sleep, then put off the next pregnancy by nursing your baby during the night.
Start using ASL at birth (milk, change diaper, toilet/potty, sleep/sleepy, . I started at 3 months with my second baby and she was signing at 5.5 months! It didn't look exactly like what I was doing, but it was understandable. There are so many that you can choose, but those will get you started. I prefer the signs that are high up, around the face or upper chest because babies focus on the face. As baby gets older, we add more area for the signs (which is why I generally sign change, but not diaper).

A baby is relatively simple to care for. S/he will just take a lot of *time.* The Good Lord gave a woman two breasts, two arms, and lots of love.












Saturday, January 06, 2007


I walked across to the back door to open it for the 'wild' children (TJ & BB). As I was backlit by the sunshine, AJ (the 4yo) said quietly, "You're huge."

I chuckled and Ben said, "That's not how you say it. You say, 'The baby's growing nicely.'"

I walked over and peered closely at her and said, "You say, "You're huuUUUUUuuge!" After we all laughed, I asked her, "Is the baby growing nicely?"

AJ replied, "That's why you're huge."
