Monday morning, I got up, looked around and started picking up. I got the girls' room tidy (I've been sleeping on MissB's bed because she's got a newer/nicer mattress), and started in on the hallway and family room. I made breakfast for everyone (Farmer's Breakfast from my red&white cookbook- super yum!) and took a nap. Then I got out the vacuum and followed up on the tidied rooms. You know, typical Monday morning clean up from the weekend process.
Then I started spotting. I called the midwife and explained and lay down. I pondered and prayed and eventually set up an ultra sound (I'm all for skipping these little conveniences in pregnancy until there's a need for them, and there was a need) -there was an opening at 4PM at
LRD, hailed as the best U/S clinic in the South Bay (for good reason! He was the best that I've been to in my 5 pregnancies, and the pricing was the best I've seen). We wanted to rule out placenta previa or a potential abruption, otherwise it may have been labor.
Then I realized: I over did it this weekend. I'd gone to a class for practicing/future birth assistants and over the course was palpated by about 5 or 6 people. Since my second pregnancy (when I fell down the stairs and nearly had an early baby), my cervix has been friable. This time, there hasn't been any problems with it and I hadn't thought twice about it. Until now. The physical exercise (very much exercise at 8 months pregnant!) of vacuuming had been too much.
By the time we got to the clinic for the ultra sound, I'd pieced this together and just needed the reassurance. We went right in, the children sat and watched on the high TV screen with us. The tech asked if we wanted to know the gender.. I looked at Ben.. I'm good, I could wait another month, but you could just see it in his eyes.. -we couldn't find out gender with MissA according to policy in that area of UK, MissB was big and breech at the time of her scan and hard to see, MissC only had the one scan at like 10 weeks when I was kicked in the belly on accident by a toddler.. And, he's wanted to know at least once- ..and told the tech yes. But, will I spill the beans?
The placenta is in a great spot, on my back left side from about navel level right up into the fundus (top curve of the uterus). The baby's organs are developed nicely and working as they should be at this stage (pee in the bladder, 'cute' kidneys, fluid in stomach, 4 chamber heart beating away: 143 beats per minute). And, baby was adorable, rubbing face with hands, pointing, hiccuping, and playing with the cord (which is across the chest a few times, but not wrapped behind).
This was my first 4D scan. It's fascinating how they've improved to where they can take this set of 2D images and get a 3D image, add the time/movement and that's 4D and we get to see the baby moving and get an idea of what our future little one looks like.
The children are excited that they've peeked in the present and met their sibling. The tech gave them each an image of baby smiling, and a candy.
And, now I get to not pick up pretty much anything or walk too far (which means I get pelvic pain in the mornings -mild
PSD strikes me when I don't move enough -lax muscles don't hold the joint in place well). I'm so glad I've got some bigger little kids that can give me a hand with things like carrying laundry baskets, and emptying and loading the dishwasher. It would be tough if I had only littler ones that were completely dependent on me.
(**I'll have to upload an image or two**)
Labels: Life, Midwifery