Finally Time to Fit
Finally, a direction! The session started out with some general directions to be followed by anyone the fitter told needed it. I’m a bit surprised that the measurements on the alterations are the same for ALL of us, not unique to individuals. Okay, I’ll consider it a minor change.
They asked us to raise our zoom hands and wait our turns. There was some comments to the presenters, some jostling of the list for those at work. No one sent me any info before or during my turn. Yet, when my turn came, the fitter asked me how many bras I’d be fitting that day, and before I could answer some woman on their team spoke over me to say that I could only do two, and blatantly lied that it had been discussed with me. I am shook that such gaslighting is happening in this group.
In the previous session, when they glanced at my bras, I had told the fitter that I only had two pairs of underwires in the correct size. I was able to show two and then go to the back of the line. If I was allowed one at a time, rotating to the back of the line after each, I would have accepted it. But to blatantly lie?
Afterwards, I asked the fitter if I should cut down on the number of patterns. She expressed that it was fine. So, what’s with that other lady? There was not limiting information on the sign up. There were five patterns stated.
Labels: bra fitting, bra fitting band, Bra fitting class