I Didn’t Realize
My husband's incredibly long extreme programming spree is almost up. To me, having some sort of reprieve from lacking contact with those over 4 feet tall will be close to bliss. The last couple weeks, I've been just hanging in there waiting on the weekends. So, please forgive me if I don't really care what my hair looks like right now. (hahaha)

This is generally how I wear my hair. I miss the length and look forward to being able to do something with it again.
This coming weekend is the "Women's Retreat" for our church group. I'm dreading and looking forward to it. I'll have Cow with me, Ben will have the other three. They'll have a good time. I won't have the built-in entertainment units of older siblings, so it should be interesting. It's hard to focus on the message at times when entertaining a baby.. and taking a baby to such a meeting often means that the woman is segregated from the group (after all, who else is used to a pottying baby?) (Note: This is better than just a few years ago when they would say absolutely no babies and I'd say that I wouldn't be able to go).
The 'Women's Conference' a few weeks ago had the nursing mothers in the nursing or infant/toddler rooms. In the morning, I was directed to the baby room - one other person there, and the baby was too tiny to play with Cow. In the afternoon, they stuck a sick person in that room, and I was directed to the toddler room. Cow had a much better time because there was someone else to play with, and I could focus on most of the message while keeping an eye on her. I even took notes! That was a good learning experience and I'll have to see what's available next time.
I need figure out what to pack. Clothes, toiletries, toys. Should I take the PackNPlay? Maybe just some extra pillows.