Coconut Oil Candies
In my sojourn on the internet, I came across the idea for coconut oil candies from a traditional foods menu mailer site. That sounds interesting, but they only have suggested ingredients without a recipe.. So I ran off to the kitchen.
I had 2 1-ounce squares of unsweetened chocolate, and pulled out the honey. The coconut oil is next to the stove. To make it melt quicker, I chopped up the chocolate and my finger and jimmied a double-boiler (I haven't one, I just put one pot in another).

One jar of honey was almost out, just about 1/4 cup left in it. (note: floating the honey in the pot of water as it's heating can make it easier to pour, just don't leave it to heat enough to burn you.. replace honey jar with littler pot). When the chocolate began to melt, I added the honey. Still was too bitter, so I added another 1/4 cup - :) I like honey. Then, unthinking, I added 1/4 cup oil. I should've added just 1 Tbsp at a time, I'm thinking that just 1 or 2 Tbsp would have been just about perfect for looks when cooled.

Although, the whole idea is to increase the lauric acid intake, so lots of CO didn't bother me. Pop them in the fridge overnight (or freezer while you write your blog post), and...
(insert cookie monster sounds as I indulge in my candy)
The texture's a bit too oily, as expected, but the flavor's wonderful. If I had dessicated coconut (unsweetened coconut flakes) that could soak up some of the extra oil and give a nicer texture. Maybe some peanut butter in there next time. Yummy.
Note: the ice cube tray turned out to be a poor choice. Better would be to pour into a bowl and let cool in fridge. The resulting candy was very pliable, even when cold, that I just broke/smooshed the excess oil and folded it in, then formed little candy balls.
Labels: Healthy Eating, Knit