Full of Stitches

Friday, November 30, 2007


I went to one of those 'membership warehouses' today. There's a food court on the outside, so we had lunch before we went in. A man at the window next to me looked over and said, "That's a nice start you've got." I thanked him, "It gets easier," he said, and we went to the drink machine. He has nine children, the three youngest were in a cart next to his wife. They're oldest is 18, so they know.

It amazes how when I'm having one of those weeks where I've got to convince myself this is the life I want that someone pops up who understands.

Cow's teething, maybe I'll get to knitting or sewing next month.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One of Those Days

Thanksgiving was nice. We drove up to Ben's Dad's house and enjoyed dinner with family and their friends. We stayed the night and were planning on heading back sometime Friday. Friday, we were asked if we could stay one more day. I had Ben look up the number for the portrait place and postponed our pictures.

Sometime that night, I woke to a burning screaming baby. I lay there trying to calm her and figure out what was wrong. I started to freak out, and prayed, and crawled out of the loft with the screaming burning baby and went downstairs. We lay on the couch by the wood burning stove so that I didn't need a blanket but knew that she wouldn't be too warm or cold outside her fever. The Lord granted me peace and told me it was her teeth.

She lay on me nursing for about 6 hours straight. At one point, I tried to take her back to bed, but I missed the step and the jolt startled her back to screaming. Ben called out to "stay there, don't come up" and so I went back to the couch. Turned out, he thought it was one of the children not me. I did eventually get back to bed after nursing the baby back to sleep again.

Her fever went down somewhat during the day, but returned with a vengeance when she napped and during the night. We drove home Saturday night and slept in Sunday morning. Sure enough that tooth broke through Sunday and the fever was gone Monday. She's slept in till 11AM both Monday and Tuesday.

Last night, I stayed up to finish the work for Bible study. I went to bed by 4AM and got up at 7:30Am. I had the children dressed and in the car by 9AM, but had to move Ben's car out of the way (sorry about the mirror). At church, she decided to scream, she hardly nursed and wouldn't sleep. She finally nodded off in the car, but I had to go to the store.

I received 3 orders for slings this morning (Does anyone know where I can find some BABY PINK twill or lightweight denim?). We stopped at Hancock's, but they didn't have it. They had the right color in the right area, but the bolt of fabric was in the wrong place.

We grabbed burgers on the way home, but Cow wouldn't close her eyes. I needed a nap, anyway. Sometimes just a little shut eye can revive, other times it leaves one screaming grumpy. It was one of those days. I woke to crying baby and squealing girls and it hit a nerve.

When I finally calmed down, I left the TV on and started getting school paperwork ready. Cow screamed a few more times and taken two itsy bitsy naps, and she's heating up again (there are 2 more teeth looking like they may come through in the next few weeks). I need to run off to the store for supplies and I'm not taking the children tonight (so it probably won't happen).

If Cow is up to it, we're supposed to walk to the library tomorrow.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Holly Days

Last year, someone had the bright idea to do a round robin style gift exchange between all the adults in my family. I thought it would be fun and agreed to sign up. The majority of the family is in SoCal and most of us think that gift cards are a fine gift, so I made arrangements between two people that the money would be transferred from one to the other so that the other would pick up the card and pass it on to the recipient.

Apparently, I failed in giving the gift. All year, I have been trying to get in touch with the person (in-person) with each trip I make to SoCal to make amends, and the person is either out-of-town or won't return my phone calls or emails about visiting. And, the gossip-loop called and told me that the would-have-been recipient is so put-off by not having received this gift that s/he's sworn off gift-giving at all (exclude me and mine, sure, but everyone else?).

Ah well, hopefully an apology and gift help, but such is life.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


We used to just toss a backpack in the car and jaunt off to the mountains. We didn't bat an eye at driving between L.A. and Denver. Then I married Ben. Now there are six family members, and trips take a little more forethought.

The laundry's almost done washing. Half was folded and put away over the last couple days, we're down to the final four loads. Clothes are chosen for tomorrow for four of the six of us. The children can wear aprons in the car to keep theirs nice.

The pie is in the oven.

I plan to have the car packed up tonight because he wants to be driving at 5AM.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


My camera cracked. But I do have some pictures for you.
img tj baby
That's my sweet little TJ (El Guapo, as Ben calls him.. hmm.. maybe that should be his name on my blog). Just a day or so old, my sister came to the hospital and took B&W photos of him for her photography class. I gave birth to him in the hospital (tradition, right?), and the first time he looked at me, he smiled. I looked at him and there he was, stoned out of his mind (Demerol...), and he looked up at me and just smiled like "Oh, there you are." And all was alright in the world.

You know how cute and sweet he is, but it's his personality that gets you:
img tj tongue


Friday, November 16, 2007


I had to search, but I finally found my pattern! It was in a box of all sorts of diapering stuff, way down under everything.
img Boys Diaper
My MIL asked what I use to make diapers. My favorite pattern is the Side-Snapping PooPockets by New Conceptions. Why? Aesthetics. I like the extra cuteness factor of the smoother front (the tabs get hidden behind the front layer instead of covering it over). They take a touch longer to make, but the fit is great.

img A in SSPP (this is AJ, 4 years ago: about 11mo)
See? Smooth front, much cuter than bulky overlapping tabs.

Personally, I think it's fun to get old sweatshirts from garage sales for these, but any good absorbent fabric works. Hemp is *great* for diapers! (Explanation of why hemp's good.) The last time I made diapers, the outsides were shirts, sweatshirts or pants, and the insides were hemp. (In the photo above, the turned layer is hemp terry and has the soaker pad and elastic sewn to it, the blue layer will be the outside of the diaper and the hemp jersey will be the inner layer. I could just do the terry and outside because that terry is very durable!)

I've bought hemp at
Full Moon Hemp

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Woolly Britches

img WB grass
Wow! Miss B really looks like little Cow, doesn't she? (That's baby BB in the photo, her face can be seen on the pattern page)

Finally got around to moving my soaker pattern here! Woolly Britches are available for your crocheting pleasure. My photos aren't very organized (yes, they're all digital) so I'm having trouble finding the one that goes in the middle of the page (Ben, help?)

WB pink

That's the original WB soaker that I made in 2004. Maybe I should take a new photo and show how well it's aged. It went through the wash (oops) and shrunk a little, but still works great for Miss C.

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Woolly Britches

img  WB img WB grass
S, M with larger hook

F (G for a medium) hook
lightweight worsted weight yarn (Lion Brand Fisherman’s Wool was used in the
example, with an E hook)
Yarn needle for sewing

Stitches used:
Chain Stitch (ch), Single Crochet (sc), Double Crochet (dc), Slip Stitch (sl st), Double Crochet Decrease (dc dec)
10 patterns (sc, dc) and 17 rows to 4″
Note: ch 1 at the beginning of round is a turning stitch, does not count toward total st in row.

Soaker Body

ch. 17 loosely
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, *sc in next ch, dc in next ch* across (16 st); turn.
Increasing Rows:
Row 2: ch3, *sc in dc, dc in sc* across (17); turn.
Row 3: ch 1, *sc in dc, dc in sc* to last st (sc, dc) in top of ch 3 (18); turn.
Row 4: Repeat Row 2 (19).
Row 5: Repeat Row 3, do not turn at end (20).
Row 6: ch 9 (now turn), sc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, *sc in next st, dc in next st* across (28), turn.
Row 7: ch 1, *sc in dc, dc in sc* across; turn.
Rows 8-19: Work evenly: Repeat Row 7.

Decreasing Rows:
Row 20: sl st in first 9 st. ch1 dc dec in this and next st, *sc in dc, dc in sc* across (19), turn.
Row 21: ch 1, *sc in dc, dc in sc* to last 3 st, sc in next, dc dec 2 st together (18), turn.
Row 22: ch 1, dc dec first 2 st together, *sc in dc, dc in sc* across (17), turn.
Row 23: Repeat Row 21 (16).
Rows 24 & 25: Work evenly: Repeat Row 7.

Increasing Rows:
Rows 26-41: Alternate Repeating Rows 2 & 3, 8 times (32).
Rows 42-55: Work evenly:Repeat Row 7.

Decreasing Rows:
Rows 56-71: Alternate Repeating Rows 22&23, 8 times (16).
Row 72: Repeat Row 7, do not turn. Finish off, leaving end for sewing.

The soaker will look something like this (example was worked in SC only):
(searching hard drive for photo)

Sew side seam and crotch seam using invisible stitches.

Rnd 1: ch 1, sc in end st of each row (74); join with sl st, turn
Rnd 2-3: ch 1, sc in each sc around; turn.

Picot Edging:
Rnd 4: ch 1, *(sc, ch 2, sl st in same sc), sc in next st* around (37 picots made)

For a boy, you may want to leave off the 4th round or simply repeat one more round of sc.

Leg Openings
You can choose a leg finishing:
Ribbing style:
Rnd 1: ch2, dc in each st (end with an even #), join with sl st, turn.
Rnd 2: ch2, (fpdc in next, bpdc in next) around, fpdc in last, join with sl st; turn.
Repeat rnd 2 till desired length (I usually repeat it 2-3 times) *OR* if the openings seem large, sc a few rounds.

For either: Use the Picot Edging, or Ruffles (ch2, 3-5 dc in each st)

Easy fitting tips:
For a longer soaker body, just sew more stitches into the upper area (eg. start with a beg ch of 21 stitches instead of 17).

note: Adjustments to the body of the soaker are best done in pairs of rows, but with a little practice/tweaking may be done just one row at a time.

To fit wider hips, use a larger hook and/or add a few more rows (this may be easiest in the rise area)

To fit larger legs, add a few more rows at the leg openings (rows 1 & 74, and rows 25& 26)

img WB KApink

Jennifer Halsted of ToHook.com, copyright 2004


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rainbow Baby Stripes?

I was at the yarn store a (couple) week(s) ago before yesterday (I've already forgotten how long it's been), and the girls requested yarn. Each picked out a hank of sock yarn. When we were home, Miss A and I were looking at patterns online and came across one that she cried out, "I want that one!" So, yesterday I started knitting on her Rainbow Socks.
img rainbow cuffs

The yarn is Lorna's Laces in "Baby Stripes" and the colors are actually baby blue and baby pink. Not my colors, but fun to watch the pattern.

Shall we have a quote of the day?
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. -William Morris

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Grey for Mr. Grey

Fantastic job seeing that I had two left feet! No one wrote in why!

Sock the first was done to pattern and fit me perfectly, so I added an extra lace chart repeat to sock the second and finished knitting it and that one fit Ben. A pair of mismatched socks is always a photo shoot (though some may be rather hush hush). I've since frogged the toe from sock the first and made it to match the other.

img 2 left feet

1. Not on raveley yet: ;)
2. Pattern Source: Folk Socks by Nancy Bush
3. Yarn: Lorna's Laces, 2 skeins in Pewter
4. Needle Size: US 0 (2mm)
5. Gauge: good question, will check when done NAK
6. Pattern Changes: No picot on hem (requested by recipient), Eye of Partridge heel, extra lace pattern repeat to give more length, used ssk at beginning of round on second toe to mirror first.
7. Yarn Review: Had a little tiny ball left from each foot as usual (even though the yarn shop insists I should get 3 socks from 2 skeins)
8. Did it fit: Yes, with the extra repeat. It fit my foot perfectly without it.
9. How many times did I frog: Just the toe once.
A. Usability analysis: Will be fabulous
B. Final Thoughts: I almost want to make a pair for me! So many other patterns to try first!

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I went to the dentist this morning. For the third time in two months. I've got another appointment in two weeks to make a nice even four in two. She's replaced crumbling fillings and done a little "deep cleaning." Today, two rather deep cavities were re-filled. I moved a little when she did the shot and it didn't numb my teeth, so she had to re-jab me. On the way home, I yawned and there was a pop in my jaw and my ear started going numb.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

img grey socks

Can you tell me what's wrong with this picture?

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cute Central

img missc pushes
Little Miss C is learning to walk. Miss A likes to hold her hands and walk backwards to get Miss C to walk with her. Yesterday, we discovered that she can push the little blue car around with a little help only in the steering department.


Thursday is..

Walk to your local library day! Our new local branch is just 1.1 miles from our house!

The children did fantastic: TJ & Miss A walked the whole way. Miss B rode the stroller all the way there and after crossing the first 2 streets on the way back. Miss C(Cow), rode on my back both ways. She fell asleep on the way over and slept whilst I knit in the library (I was able to turn the heels on the grey socks).

Apparently, 10AM Thurs is story time. My children totally ignored the lady reading to masses of small children and headed straight for the game computers (hello? a building full of books, and all they want is to play computer games).

I had tucked an apple for the four biggest of us for the way back. Miss C tried to get Miss A's red umbrella, then took over eating my apple after I'd had a couple bites.

The walk is pleasant, reminded me of when I used to walk to school with my Mom way back when.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Early Morning

Sunday, I explained to Ben that I feel like I'm not getting anything done around here and I need to change that. I need to get up in the morning and have time to get dressed and ready to go to work, I need to know basically when my breaks are and I need to have a set time that work is over and I can relax before I go to bed. Ben suggested that I get up with him so we can have a couple/few minutes together before the day starts and I'll have time before the children wake.

Yesterday, the alarm went off. The baby stirred, fussed, nursed and I half-slept. Ben got ready and left for work. I went back to sleep.

Last night, the older children were in bed by 7:20PM. The baby took a bit longer. Ben was finally home when she was falling asleep. He and I sat up till after 9PM.

This morning, the alarm went off. The baby stirred, fussed, I sat up to nurse, wanting to hurry her and have a little time with my husband. Ben got ready as I sat there nursing and he left for work. She finally finished and I got up. I'm beginning to see a pattern.

People seem to think that having a baby is an excuse to not do anything. Realistically, it's an excuse to do less other than baby care for a short time, but not to stop entirely.

I was talking to my Dad the other day while I was uncharacteristically grouchy. Poor Dad. He made the point that I'm trying to DIY a great deal and that could only lead to more fatigue. Well, as pointing out the obvious goes -and Dad's pretty good at that- this only managed to set me off. Why? Oh, let's see, doing *anything* will make one more tired when one's already tired. But, perhaps, point taken.

I did ponder over this after a day or two and came to a conclusion. I need to focus on cleaning, so I'm going to use more prepackaged anti-nutrient food (at least the kids'll have eaten, right?).

(sigh) The children are up now, and I'm ready to head to bed. Perhaps, I need to work on going to bed earlier before I start getting up earlier. It's a vicious cycle however one looks at it.


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pleasant Weekend

The Women's Retreat was nice. I really didn't know what to expect and thought that it was going to be a bigger group, like the Conference a few weeks ago. There were only women from our church, though, and they had morning and evening services.
There were only 2 nursing mothers. The other gal's baby was just 6 months and able to stay quiet. Cow's 9 months now and crawls, though. I felt she was more distraction than spectator, so took her out of the meetings. The mountain air was nice. And, there was a lot of adult conversation. The couple of sermons (?) I made it to were good.

After lunch today, I headed down the hill. I was going home. Going back. And I began crying. Going back.

And now I'm home.


Thursday, November 01, 2007


Yeah, I spaced Socktober. Again. But it wasn't like I wasn't knitting. I just didn't have anything finished. Still don't.
img: projects
I'm working on my Nancy Bush collection. The grey Latvian Socks from Folk Socks are for Ben - He asked to leave off the picots so I worked one purl turning round, otherwise I'm just following the pattern. Oh, and working an Eye of Partridge heel.

The purple Baudelaire's are for me. I bought the yarn just after the pattern came out and set it aside till I had knit up some toe-up socks that fit. This spring, with little baby at hand, I started knitting them. I got through the gusset. Twice. Finally got that right and went for the heel turn.. I think it was a cross between baby brain and new skill that kept me from getting it right. (I kept miscounting and end up wrapping the same stitch!) I'm happy to report that in the last week I turned that *&!% heel and caught the other sock up to it. Last night, during Journey to the Center of the Earth, I started the first leg. This morning, I started the second and ripped it and finally caught it back up to the first sock.
I'm trying one on right now. Next time, I need to use a different toe -this one is too tight, seems to be for pointy-toed people- and make the foot about 1/2" or so shorter. With all the trouble I've had so far, I'm not ripping them again: I'd never get them done! My aim is to use up the yarn and see how close to knee highs they can get.

My other project is the 'earth metals' sweater for T.J. Gold, silver and copper were his colors -those are the currency in most of the computer games he plays. So far, I have the body close to the armpits and have begun the sleeves. His birthday is under three weeks away, let's see if I can focus!
