This one's for
DressADay. She had a great tutorial on her blog for
adding pockets into a 3-panel skirt. She asked if anyone would show other ways to add pockets. I usually add jeans-style pockets to my A-line skirts:

Here's what jeans generally look like inside:

First thing's first: Get out the ABC and put baby out of the way.

Baby Cow snuggled on my back through most of the sewing parts of this tutorial. Good thing, too, the camera was charging in the other room, so I had to wander back and forth.
Let's get to it. In the spirit of Erin's post, let's pretend you're buying this pattern at one of those lovely sales where they're only a buck or two. I suggest you get the pattern you want, plus one that has the pocket style you want. (I shopped my stash for a pocket pattern and came up with one that I must have bought when TJ was little.. Never been used, too)

Step 1: Trace the pocket edge onto the side of the front pattern piece. If you have an A-Line or other front pattern piece that doesn't match the shape of the pocket, trace that shape onto the side of the pocket pieces (both because they have to be the same shape to work well and you don't want wonky pockets in your skirt). I didn't have to do that on this because I'm making long pants.
(pattern piece on the right is the pocket edge we're tracing. pattern piece on the right has the traced edge for each size because I'm not sure which will fit her right now)

Step 2: Cut out pattern pieces. When using heavier material, like denim, I like to use a lighter weight fabric for the pocket pieces -I used a fun green print because it makes me smile (what will you use?). This keeps from having too much bulk on the front of the hips, and drying time to a minimal. Taking the jeans as an example, to have the same fabric above the pocket opening as below, I've cut a piece for my pocket with a bottom edge that will be at least an half inch lower than where the opening seam edge will be.
(top left: pocket facing, bottom left: pocket, flower piece: Visible piece [matches cuffs on these pants], right: front pattern piece)

Step 3: Sew pocket facing to front piece, Right Sides Together. Grade seams, clip curves, turn, press, topstitch, and all that jazz.

This is what the inside vs outside looks like (Left piece sewn but not turned, Right piece is ready for next step.

Step 4: Finish the lower edge of the Visible Facing thing (whatever, the flowers in this example) if using one, sew it to the pocket piece, matching edges.

Line up with front piece: Place pocket Right Side UP, then place front piece Right Side UP. Match notches, edges. Baste. Treat as one piece for remainder of pattern construction.
(left: inside, right: outside)

Finished example, capri-type things:

Labels: Sewing