Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Started the Jays..
I started the Jays on size 0s. The first I actually started to work the pattern side with 1s keeping the soles on 0s.. Then I started the 2nd sock toe. (sigh) I need to remember to try these things on.. How can you tell how well they'll fit when there's only a tiny bit of toe? The smallest size calls for 64 stitches at the largest end of the toe (pattern calls for 6 more sts). I know that the Magic Stripes socks I made for Ben were about 72 sts and huge on me, so why would I think Lorna's Laces would knit up that much smaller? Oh well. Just going to have to start over tomorrow.
Starting a sock
Anyway, I started this sock Thursday or Friday following the top-down instructions (maybe I'll be able to figure out a way to make a mate toe-up?). I made the ribbing in size 000 and it's perfect and I continued on to the pattern in that size: oops! So, I ripped it back and worked it in 00s, the 3 1/2 repeats are supposed to be 6 3/4", but it was only just over 6" and slightly too tight. RIP! Now, I'm using size 0s and I'm at 2 1/2 repeats. Seems the right tension, but I'll know for sure when I get another full repeat done.
But, I keep thinking of the Jaywalkers... For some reason, they fascinate me. I'm more interested in toe-up socks because I like them tall (using up all the yarn is a good thing!), so the toe-up version at Natalia Knits would be fun to try.. I haven't looked closely at the heel in the pattern, but I've got Denise's bookmarked just in case. I think I'll go decide which color of the Lorna's Laces I've got sitting around that I'll use and start them!
Plus One

Labels: Life
Friday, May 26, 2006
Less than an Hour
Did I:
A. clean the house until it shone so that she'll be comfortable in the environment and not scared that the horrible goo stuck to the floor under the table is going to rise up and get her as she eats?
B. tidy up somewhat so that there are at least traffic ways through the mess in order that we can get from door 1 to door 2?
C. Knit/crochet on a UFO and then decide 8 rows shy of completion after working on it for 2 hours that the yarn just isn't right for the project and that's why I stopped working on it (besides the monotony of the stitch that still needed 100 rows) previously. Then, stop to "tidy up" by reorganizing the yarn so that my non-crafter sister won't have to see it all piled up around the living room. And then, instead of ripping the whole project out, start crocheting an adorable baby hat from the end that needs pulling so that I didn't have to waste another 1/2 hour ripping, winding, then starting it?

(black elastic used to show styles of ties.. must get ribbon. Shoelace in back to show how it adjusts to size, again must get ribbon!)
And it only took 2 hours!
Pattern: Simply Lace from Sophie's Precious Bonnets (an Annie Potter Original)
Yarn: Sinforia
Thursday, May 25, 2006
House Arrest
One of the things that I looked forward to in moving to the Bay Area is that it's only like a 7 hour drive down to see old friends and extended family. Ben's a workaholic and it shouldn't interrupt our life too much if I take the children down there for a work week once in a while (especially if he has a deadline or something). My high school reunion is coming up in August, but I'd hoped to go visit before then.
I made the mistake(?) of mentioning this to Ben a week or so ago. Last night, he told me that he feels at a distance right now.. (I have been trying to complete something before your "mystery guest" shows up, yes-no?) and that we didn't have plans until August.. Yes, dear, you haven't talked to me either.
So, I went to bed with the slight notion of being not allowed to go anywhere and that I'm under a form of house arrest.
Then, Ben called this morning from work. The key to the van was accidentally left in his pocket last night and had accompanied him to work.
Do I rest my case?
Labels: Life
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Project Spectrum - May

Last night, I ran across this Butterfly Cloth pattern and thought that would work great for PS! I finished knitting it this morning (under 2 1/2 hours altogether).

My gauge has been so wonky! When I came back to the computer, I found a size US8 and a US5 needle together.. Did I drop one and pick up another size? I'll just have to knit up another cloth to find out if knitting with one needle size (5 or 8) will work better!

I mixed up Lemon-Lime (green) and Jamaica flavor (red) KoolAid and handed the paintbrush to TJ. He did a great job painting the background green, and he even mixed the 2 and painted a brown branch for the butterfly to rest on! Then AJ wanted to help and it got crazy mixed up from there.

Now he's using the leftover KoolAid to paint his socks red and green.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Summer of Socks

I've also decided that this will help me begin a (mini?) Nancy Bush Master's Study as begun by Purly Whites, and miniturized by Nona. I haven't decided quite how indepth mine will be, but I am working on a list of patterns to use - some from other sources as well, for I am a new knitter and gleaming from any of greater knowledge will improve mine own.
I must hit the hay. I moved my blog entries from my 360 account over here tonight and hadn't planned on this entry quite yet.
Labels: Knit, NB Masters Study
Naughty Little Knitter

Let's garden with Mommy's needles!

I'm not supposed to what??
The Sue-Socks are too big! They fit Ben's feet! I could just cry! I want to rip them out and start over with a size 0! But, Ben hates to see me using Frog-Therapy like that.. Instead, I plan to give this pair to Ben and go to the yarn store again tomorrow, then lock myself in my room for the next 3 days. (Please forgive the giant pics, I'm still learning the new Mac). So, in all one's glory, I present the Aran Sandal Sock (it was a dark image enhanced, forgive the odd color and my husband's pale feet):

Monday, May 22, 2006
Must Monogamize…
Ben's socks are even closer, only about 3 1/2 in. on one and 1 1/2 on the other! Must leave computer and resume knitting.. Soon as BB's done nursing. Maybe I'll take them to the park.
Labels: Knit
Up, Almost Running
Welcome to the new site. I've just started tinkering with it, but I wanted to get started with the blog anyway and get used to using it here. I'll try to transfer over my previous blog entries from my 360 account and use that site as a pointer to here.
For anyone new reading: Hi, I'm Jennifer. My site is dedicated to my pastimes: children, knitting, crochet, sewing, and anything else that spurs my mind. I learned crochet about age 7, sewing when I was 16 and have just ventured into knitting because I tried crochet socks. It just wasn't my thing! I like fitted socks and I like long socks! Crochet may be faster, but the knit ones work better for my purposes.
I'm working on 2 pairs right now, stripes for my hubby and cables for my sister. When I finish these, I plan on starting a pair for *me*. Also on needles is the Angelina Vintage Jacket from White Lies Designs.
Update on Sue’s Socks
Pattern: Best Foot Forward (WW version) from Knit Socks! book by Betsy Lee McCarthy
Yarn: New Tweed by Tahki Yarns (60% Merino, 14% Silk, 26% Viscose)
Needles: I used size US2 instead of size US3 because I couldn't get gauge on the larger needles.
Would I make this pattern again? Yes, but from the toe-up and in a lighter weight yarn!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Whose Socks? Sue’s Socks.
I've turned both heels and am working at picking up gusset stitches. I love the look of the design, the cables come out pretty. The shine to the yarn doesn't hide them, it almost enhances the cables. The gussets will be worked in seed stitch (k the p and p the k, throughout), which gives them a better look than the plain old st st.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Stupid About Color..

I've been staring at these things for how many hours? And, I just found that that is really the start of the repeat!!!! (Really, they didn't look that closely related before! I've been trying to match the toes... Any excuse is better than stupidity.. and I had to find it during PMS week!)
(note: for those that didn't catch it, the *other* sock was matched in an earlier picture and that repeat was found way up just before the heel flap.. the repeat is only a sock foot long .. on my DH's socks..)
August Birthday Swap
Your Birth Month is August |
![]() Ambitious and strong, you find it easy to be successful. You are brave and stubborn. No one's going to set your limits! Your soul reflects: Strength, character, and devotion Your gemstone: Peridot Your flower: Poppy Your colors: Orange, red, and light green |
Birthday Swap to join us!
Labels: Knit
FT Sock Update

Last night I stayed up to turn the heels. Then I started to pick up gusset stitches and the one had 20st across the turn, but the other had 18..
So, this morning, I ripped them both back to the end of the heel flap and turned the heels again. I carefully counted the stitches to make sure all 32 were there and worked 17 k2t sl st.. turn 6p p2t sl st.. back and forth. 18!! On the other, I thought that I'd counted out the stitches at 32.. I was a little distracted. Ben's got the older 2 and it's just BB and I. I turned that heel and got 17... hmm.. So, I examined it closely, there was a loose st back a few rows *before the turn*!! Rip.. back to row 28 (not too bad) finish to row 32, turn heel, voila! matched #s!! Now I've started the gusset decreases and found the end of the pattern repeat (note the red then white as the heel was turned). The whole pattern of stripes in this would be pretty much a whole sock! I think I'll pull out to where the stripes match and make TJ matching matching socks that he can wear with Daddy.
I've decided that the Pedicure Socks that I'm making for Naughty Sue will be the Super Secret Sue Socks and I won't post a picture till she sees them because she might see them here and then they won't be a surprise even though she knows I'm making them and what color they are.. and what they're made from and all.. So, as much sense as that makes.. I'm only using the actual Pedi Socks pattern for basic measurements anyway! I'm really using the Aran Sandal Socks for the how-to. However much sense you got from all that!
Friday, May 19, 2006
“Birthday Swap” & Near Miss

August birthday swap
I just need to figure out how to add the button to my sidebar.. I was given a Mac as my anniversary present (I know, keep it to yourselves) and I still haven't got it totally figured out!
On another note, Ben told me when he woke up that BB was holding her breath because she couldn't swim yet. He had a dream that she was in the water, he could see her and she was holding her breath.
This afternoon, I let the girls 'swim' in the pool. That means they play on the top step or two of the shallow end or the jacuzzi seat or the seat at the 'deep end' with me sitting watching them. I know the bike was on the patio, but I didnt recall it being *that close* to the pool. All of a sudden BB and AJ's bike went back into the pool. I had a fleeting thought that I only had 2 stitches to go on the needle as I threw down my knitting and went to the pool. I was wearing mt pajama pants and only stepped in a step (so the weight of the clothes didn't hinder movement) or two and grabbed for BB. She was tossing her arms under the water and kicking a little, floating just under the surface, and I caught her arm and pulled her out. She coughed out what little water was in her nose or mouth and resumed normal breathing. I wrapped her in the towel and held her a while, then she went on playing outside the pool as usual.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Slept Better
I've got Ben's fraternal twins socks done through the foot and am working the heel flaps. This is my first pair of toe-up heel flap socks.. and I finally found the pattern repeats beginning. I lined it up in the picture: see how the whole foot's worth of yarn would've had to be removed to start them at the same spot? That's a long repeat! And, I haven't found the end on the other sock yet!

Oh, and I figured out part of Ben's surprise.. He wouldn't answer me before, but I had asked him about it. Someone's flying in for Memorial Day weekend. He won't tell me who.. My guesses are: A)Naughty Sue, B) my MIL.. or a stretch would be C) my Dad. Beyond that, he's got me stumped.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
50, 38, 32
Labels: Life
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
rrrrRRip it… Angelina shortens..

OK.. blurry, can't really tell what's happening, but about 6 rows back there are some *huge* holes! Then it's loose for 3-4 rows! Then there are the 2 1/2 rows that I knit today.. Could I have noticed earlier when the toddler wasn't up to get into the yarn as I rip it?
My evening will be spent ripping and reknitting.
Perhaps I can get a hold of Ben before he gets home and have him pick up a bottle of something to soothe the knitter.
*Note: Ben made me a stiff drink and I ripped about 8 rows, then reknit one. So, I have knit approximately negative 4 rows on Angelina. I'm back to 4" of arms done.*
Angelina Update: 5/16

I had wanted to complete my Angelina sweater during the month previous to moving out here, but it hadn't worked out. All that life stuff kept getting between us. Now, I've realized that I can work on her during the day (the sunlight will help my poor aging eyes see her dark stitches much better) and Sue's sock (dark, but larger yarn size) in the evenings? hmm.. I may just switch between them during the days and sew in the evenings..
He does this every once in a while. I'm never quite sure what to think. Should I dread or anticipate this unexpected thing? Or, should I just do as usual and ignore it and occasionally pry at him? I did query if it was time/date sensitive. It is. Apparently, if he tells me when I should expect the surprise, then I'll automatically know what it is. Haha, me? I can hardly get a joke, let alone figure out what strange things lurk in the depth of my husband's id.
Labels: Life
Friday, May 12, 2006
Got Carried Away
Note to any knitting-savvy: I'm using the aran sandal socks from Socks Socks Socks.
Hmm.. I've done half the repeat and I'm wondering how well you'll see the cables.. I'll ask Neb to look at it when he arrives and see if I get to go on a yarn hunt.. won't that be fun?
Foot Loose
*Note (3 days later): the almost 2yo has struck again. She yanked two needles out of the EL sock, so I'm going to rip it and focus on Sue's sock.*
Monday, May 08, 2006

My DF Susan is excited! She's due w/#6 in Oct and may finally be blessed with a homebirth (Lord willing). We were able to share our second homebirth experience when we lived with them and the Lord opened Dan's heart to the idea.
I, on the otherhand.. am learning to be patient and wait on my husband and trust his timing. We've been talking about it so long and now we're together again and I've worked on weaning Bea to not nurse every 5 minutes. She'll be 2 next month and she's now in the girls' room at night though she'll come across to our room when the sun starts rising. Yesterday, he told me he'd like us to be more fit before we add another little one. Okay.
I've got to upload photos for Naughty Sue!
Labels: Life
Friday, May 05, 2006
Slobs Anon?
Yes, I admit it, I'm a slob. I'm a piler. I perpetually begin. I have finished a fair share of things, but that accomplishment is well overshadowed by the started items. I'm trying to finish (*tears of shame*); I'm trying to finish just one thing.. Yet, they beckon.. new promising things that want also to be..